Am Donnerstag, den 04.08.2005, 10:26 -0400 schrieb Mark Woodward:
> I haven't seen this option, and does anyone thing it is a good idea?
> A option to pg_dump and maybe pg_dump all, that dumps only the table
> declarations and the data. No owners, tablespace, nothing.
> This, I think, would allow more generic PostgreSQL data transfers.

pg_dump -s maybe?

See man pg_dump: 


              Dump only the object definitions (schema), not data.

Usually one dumps the database with -Fc and then construct
SQL for data and DDL via pg_restore from this binary dump.
You can then use pg_restore -l, edit (for example via sed)
and use it with -L to only generate SQL for these objects.

Tino Wildenhain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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