On Thursday 23 June 2005 14:21, Josh Berkus wrote:
> Denis, all,
> > I got to thinking it¹d be kewl if PgAdmin3 supported an interactive
> > debugger for pl/pgsql.  If anyone¹s interested in expertly tackling such
> > a community project, with some financial sponsorship from EDB, please
> > contact me privately.
> Just FYI, EMS Hitech has a windows-only PL/pgSQL debugger.  So it's
> apparently possible even with the current tech.

IIRC thier debugger is little more than BEGIN; SELECT foo(); ROLLBACK; which 
isn't great as far as debuggers go. 

> Overally, though, we'd want to support something command-line like the Perl
> debug shell.  Then any tool could use it.

Uh... a lot of tools have issues executing stuff from the command line... what 
we need is something sql driven, or at least that opeates at that level, 
inside the db. 

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter Lamp :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

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