Teodor Sigaev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Rather than eating up the extra flag bit, though, would it be possible
>> to change the tuple to appear to contain a NULL?

> We would like to preserve NULL as non-special value because we hope to add 
> support of NULLs to GiST, although it's of low priority.

Fair enough.

> In other side, IndexTupleData contains ItemPointerData which contains
> block number and offset.  GiST doesn't use offset on inner pages (on
> leaf pages, ItemPointerData points to heap tuple), it always equal
> FirstOffsetNumber. So I can use offset to indicate correctness of
> tuple's key...

OK, that's a tad klugy but I agree with the approach.  I'd like to
preserve the spare flag bit in IndexTuple->t_info --- we might need
that someday.

                        regards, tom lane

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