
> As Jim points out, their current long term goal is to be a replacement for
> the current system views (hence *new* system views), and the current
> project was created to facilitate development. ÂWhat I am thinking is that
> the project take on a different goal, mainly that it be an add on that
> intends to work along side the current system views and be both backward
> and forward compatible (hence *enhanced* system views). ÂIt's a subtle
> difference.

*what* current system views?   We appear to have 8 of them.   2 we're not 
touching at this time.   The other 6 are all deficient in various ways, and 
those ways are not fixable in a backwards-compatible fashion.   

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

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TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


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