Tom Lane wrote:
> Martin Pitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > What would you propose as a solution?
> Do nothing.  The problem you are raising isn't very serious since
> RPM-style installations don't support concurrent installation of
> multiple PG versions anyway.  That being the case, it doesn't really
> matter whether 8.0 psql can use a 7.4 library or vice versa.

Partial upgrades is the key word.

> To do otherwise would essentially amount to deciding that
> get_progname is part of the exported API of libpq forevermore. 
> That's not something I'm willing to buy into.  It was a mistake that
> it was done that way in 7.4, and I want to rectify that mistake
> before it gets any more entrenched.

We can rectify the mistake, but then we need to change the SONAME.  
That's what it's for.

Peter Eisentraut

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