Ühel kenal päeval (kolmapäev, 26. jaanuar 2005, 13:30+1100), kirjutas
Neil Conway:
> Simon Riggs wrote:
> > The one factor which stands out for me from this is that Keir Fraser's
> > and Tim Harris' algorithms are available as *code*, which additionally
> > are covered by a licence which appears to be an MIT/BSD variant licence.
> If you're referring to their "Lock-free library", that is licensed under 
> the GPL.

That's great news, as it removes one of my greatest fears from reading
this thread - namely that there is a submarine patent on their
algorithms waiting to surface.

One of GPL's requirements is free grant of patent use. 

But it may be that the free patent grant applies only to GPL code, so we
may be back to the problems we are struggling in ARC vs. LRU ;(

Hannu Krosing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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