"Marc G. Fournier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> If the patch is ready to be committed early in the cycle, I'd say most 
> definitely ... just depends on how late in the cycle its ready ...

My recollection is that it's quite far from being complete.  I had hoped
to spend some time during the 8.1 cycle helping Heikki finish it up,
but if we stick to the 2-month-dev-cycle idea I'm afraid there's no way
it'll be done in time.  I thought that "some time" would probably amount
to a solid man-month or so, and there's no way I can spend half my time
on just one feature for this cycle.

If Heikki wants this in for 8.1, the right thing to do is vote against
the short-dev-cycle idea.  But we need a plausible answer about what to
do about ARC to make that credible...

                        regards, tom lane

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