
> An implementation like the one Tom (and I) want would start with
> 2004-10-09 10:00 PDT
> and then after the addition one would get
> 2004-11-23 10:00:00 PST

Sounds like we're on the same page then.

> The standard restrict the hour field to the interval 0-23, so there can
> never be any compare between for example '1 day 1 hour' and '25 hours'.
> This means that one can not add two intervals together to get a bigger
> one but that it would still work to do timestamp+interval+interval.

Hour field of the timestamp, or hour field of interval?  There a world of 

As long as we're willing to live with the understanding that +1day 1 hour may 
produce a slightly different result than + 25 hours, I don't see the problem.  
Currently I can add +900 hours if I like, postgreSQL will support it.


Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

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