Dennis Bjorklund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I've made a partial implementation of a datatype "timestamp with time
> zone" as described in the sql standard. The current type "timestamptz"  
> does not store the time zone as a standard one should do.

I'm aware that there are aspects of the spec behavior that appear to
require that, but is it really an improvement over the implementation
we have?  This is an area in which the standard is pretty brain-dead
--- the entire concept of a "time with time zone" datatype is rather
suspect, for instance.

In particular, I wonder how you will handle daylight-savings issues.
The spec definition seems to preclude doing anything intelligent with
DST, as they equate a timezone with a fixed offset from UTC.  That's
not how it works in (large parts of) the real world.

                        regards, tom lane

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