> > I cannot tell if mod_pg_pool works across Apache forked backends or is
> > still bound to a single process. They state it is intended for sharing
> > connections across modules, so it is probably still backend specific.
> Have you looked at sqlrealy.sourceforge.net?  IT looks like it might do 
> what you need.

SQL Relay (and friends) do what I'm looking for in a round about way.

If you put it onto the webservers it would help -- but it would require
deployment of additional webservers to accommodate the increased load.
That can be accomplished if it helps drop the load on the DB machine.
But still uses resources unnecessarily.

I've not looked at sqlrelay but most of these things use a different
interface. That would work with the inhouse code but puts a damper on
the commercial software.

As a temporary step these types of things help. But it's still doesn't
really fix the problem of Apache not using real connection pooling.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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