length(a) != array_upper(a)-array_lower(a)
[You really meant "array_upper(a) - array_lower(a) + 1" I'd guess]
length(A) is a missing function at the moment; the spec actually calls it CARDINALITY. Once available, you would use it to determine array length. SQL2003 says:
The result of <cardinality expression> is the number of elements of the result of the <collection value expression>.
So, when A is an empty array, CARDINALITY(A) = 0, by definition.
array_upper(a||b) == array_upper(a)+length(b)
Same here; this would be:
array_upper(a || b) == array_upper(a) + CARDINALITY(b)
and would work just fine. Note that if array-a is NULL, then the spec defines a || b as NULL. See section 6.35:
2) If <array concatenation> is specified, then let AV1 be the value of <array value expression 1> and let AV2 be the value of <array primary>. Case: a) If either AV1 or AV2 is the null value, then the result of the <array concatenation> is the null value. b) If the sum of the cardinality of AV1 and the cardinality of AV2 is greater than IMDC, then an exception condition is raised: data exception — array data, right truncation. c) Otherwise, the result is the array comprising every element of AV1 followed by every element of AV2.
If someone implements pop and push it sure makes things weird that push doesn't always increment the length pop doesn't decrement the length until 0.
I have no idea what you're trying to say here. Current behavior certainly increments length by one when you push an element (which is what "array || element" effectively does). An empty array has length 0 before pushing an element on to it, and length 1 afterward. Pushing an element onto a NULL array yields NULL, which is not explicitly defined by the spec (that I can find), but is certainly consistent with the above.
As far as array_pop is concerned, we discussed the fact that it makes no sense in the context of Postgres arrays -- see the archives from last year in May.
Perhaps you're worried that you have pick an arbitrary lower and upper bound and, strangely, that the upper bound would actually be one less than the lower bound such as [1,0]. However this isn't really any different than the normal case. All arrays in postgres have arbitrary lower bounds.
Again, I have no idea what you mean here.
Fwiw, the int_aggregate function from int_aggregate.c in the contrib section makes arrays that don't violate these invariants. For empty arrays the dimensions are [0,-1].
Seems rather arbitrary to me. As I said to Josh, an empty array has undefined bounds, literally.
This isn't hypothetical for me. Whenever I end up replacing int_aggregate with a standard function that constructs your style arrays my app would break. I guess I'll have to add a coalesce(...,0) to my array_length() function to work around it. Which only seems like strong evidence it's the wrong behaviour.
Sorry, but these are not "my style" arrays, they are "Berkley style" ;-).
Anyway, CARDINALITY is what you really need -- hopefully I'll be able to find time to address that and some ather array items before the 7.5 freeze. In the meantime, if you have a custom array_length function already, why not make it return 0 for empty arrays -- then your problems disappear:
create or replace function array_length(anyarray) returns int as ' select case when $1 = ''{}'' then 0 else array_upper($1, 1) - array_lower($1, 1) + 1 end ' language sql;
CREATE FUNCTION regression=# select array_length(array[1,2,3]); array_length -------------- 3 (1 row)
regression=# select array_length('{}'::int4[]); array_length -------------- 0 (1 row)
regression=# select array[1,2,3] || '{}'::int4[]; ?column? ---------- {1,2,3} (1 row)
regression=# select array_upper(array[1,2,3], 1) + array_length('{}'::int4[]);
(1 row)
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