On Tue, Feb 03, 2004 at 21:27:48 -0800,
  Dilip Angal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I have a situation that I need flexible number columns to model the business 
> requirements. It could go up to 1000 columns and will be a sparse matrix. One option 
> I was considering was to have a table with col1......col1000 

I don't think this is really a hackers' topic. Probably it belongs on general,
though with the sizes you are talking about performance might be appropiate.

I would think that the natural way to reprensent a sparse matrix would be
to use a three column table with row number, column number, and cell value.
Doing aggregates on a column number will be easy.

If the data isn't really a matrix and the different cells are different
data types, you may be able to store all the values as strings and convert
to the appropiate type as needed.

> Other option I can consider is store all of them as name values  in single column as 
>  a string
> option 1
> col1  | col2  |col 3 |........|col56|.....|col77|
> 10    | 2     |      |        | 4   |     |     |
> 2     |       |  4   |        |     |.... |6    |
> option 2
> "col1=10,col2=2,col56=4" 
> "col1=2,col3=4,col77=6"
> I will have about 50Million such records in a table.
> I need to aggregate the column values for a given day by taking sum of all the rows
> "col1=12,col2=2,col3=4,col56=4,col77=6"
> Second option looks very elegant but aggregation is hard
> Besides, second option may have performance penalty (Especially when you have 50 
> Million records)
> Any one can give any pointers or comments on how to model this an how to aggregate 
> it?
> Thanks
> Dilip

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