Hi Neil and Tom
On Mon, 8 Dec 2003, Neil Conway wrote:

> Date: Mon, 08 Dec 2003 22:44:42 -0500
> From: Neil Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>      pgsql-hackers list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [HACKERS] 73.5 and uw 713
> > Is there ay way I can help with this debugging?
> Can you speculate on what might have caused the crash?
On a second tought, this has been compiled with the new SCO compiler...
The one Larry removed -Kno_host for. Dunno if it's related.
> Is the crash reproducible?
Yes.. On certain databases it'll ALWAYS crash

> When the backend crashed, it should have produced a core file
> (assuming your system is configured to do so). Can you post the
> stacktrace you can get from this core file (preferably after you've
> recompiled PG with debugging symbols) and post it to the list?
That's the problem, I had another crash this night at 2:30 am (I vacuumdb
-a all databases at that time)
I decided to recompile everything with -debug turned on and could'nt
reproduce any more. It remembers me the crash I had with pg_dump last

If I can manage to get a good stack trace, I'll post it
> -Neil

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