On Mon, 17 Nov 2003, Neil Conway wrote:

> That said, I'm not really sure how we can make better use of the beta
> period. One obvious improvement would be making the beta announcements
> more visible: the obscurity of the beta process on www.postgresql.org
> for 7.4 was pretty ridiculous. Does anyone else have a suggestion on
> what we can do to produce a more reliable .0 release in less time?

Agreed ... here's a thought ...

take the download page and break it into two pages:

page 1: broken down into "dev" vs "stable" versions, including the date of
release ...

page 2: when you click on the version you want to download, it brings you
to a subpage that is what the main page currently is (with all the flags
and such) but instead of just sending ppl to the ftp site itself, actually
have the link go to the directory that contains that version on the mirror
site ...

that first page of the download could contain descriptoins of the variosu
releases, and state of releases?

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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