Just looking at the information schema in 7.4 and noticed something odd/annoying/problematic:

create table pk(f1 int primary key);
create table fk1(f1 int references pk(f1));
create table fk2(f1 int references pk(f1));

select * from information_schema.referential_constraints;

-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------+----------
constraint_catalog        | test
constraint_schema         | public
constraint_name           | $1
unique_constraint_catalog | test
unique_constraint_schema  | public
unique_constraint_name    | pk_pkey
match_option              | NONE
update_rule               | NO ACTION
delete_rule               | NO ACTION
-[ RECORD 2 ]-------------+----------
constraint_catalog        | test
constraint_schema         | public
constraint_name           | $1
unique_constraint_catalog | test
unique_constraint_schema  | public
unique_constraint_name    | pk_pkey
match_option              | NONE
update_rule               | NO ACTION
delete_rule               | NO ACTION

Notice that the two records are identical because the two constraint names are the same. ISTM that we should have a way of usefully examining specific constraints without having to name them. Can we add the constraint OID or some other identifier (table?) or ensure that constraint names are unique?

This problem applies to all the info schema tables that use constraint name.

Philip Warner | __---_____
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