On Tue, 2003-10-21 at 09:03, Andreas Pflug wrote:
> Rod Taylor wrote:
> > I'm sure the pgAdmin group likes that idea (they're probably tired of maintaining 
> > 4 different versions of
> >queries for getting a list of tables). Any solution to make psql backward or 
> >forward compatible should go an additional step to assist other frontends as well.
> >  
> >
> While I can agree on the statements that frontends like backend support 
> functions, in the case of tables for pgAdmin3 helper functions/views 
> don't seem too helpful. pgAdmin3 will not only try to display all 
> supported backend versions (currently 7.3, 7.4) correctly, but also 
> enable/disable additional functionality. Having different queries for 
> different backends is just a small part of the game, and the easiest one 
> too. Hiding the backend differences behind views or functions wouldn't 
> help too much.

Of course, psql has the same issue in hiding functionality that doesn't
exist. My biggest beef is the psql help is often misleading if you're
connected to a different backend.

This would need to be a part of a solution if we're going to get
anything out of it.

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