Joerg Hessdoerfer kirjutas T, 02.09.2003 kell 13:30:
> Hi!
> After holding my breath for quite a while, it bursts out... I'd really like to 
> get a status update on said port. 
> The reason is, it's seemingly put on hold for me. After this port was talked 
> over on the list, there seemed to be an explosion of effort, with initial 
> success stories. I did read things like 'it compiles on MinGW' etc. pp. Now, 
> the issue seem pretty much dead - no more talk *at all* about it. Questioners 
> who wanted to get into development themselves where brushed off - 'we are 
> stuck there and there, but you can't help anyway' was the tenor.
> Well, I am very interested in this port, and actually ran the betas from 
> PeerDirect (beta3 mostly), which performed quite well in small-scale test 
> scenarios.


> Anyway, please don't take this mail as an offense, I (and quite some others)  
> *really* just want to know, and perhaps help out!

Currently the whole PGSQL/Win32-for-v7.4-or-perhaps-7.5-or-8.0 saga does
indeed seem like a microsoftesqe ploy to scare off commercial
PGSQL/Win32 vendors and keep postgresql an UNIX-only thing ;)


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