On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 7:53 AM, Michael Paquier
<michael.paqu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 9:50 PM, Amit Kapila <amit.kapil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If above analysis is correct, then I think we can say that row state
>> in a page will be same during recovery as it was when the original
>> operation was performed if the full_page_writes are enabled. I am not
>> sure how much this can help in current heap format, but this can help
>> in zheap (undo based heap).
> If I understood that correctly, that looks like a sane assumption. For
> REGBUF_NO_IMAGE you may need to be careful though with undo
> operations.

Right, but as of now, we don't need to use this assumption with REGBUF_NO_IMAGE.

>> In zheap, we are writing complete tuple for Delete operation in undo
>> so that we can reclaim the corresponding tuple space as soon as the
>> deleting transaction is committed.  Now, during recovery, we have to
>> generate the complete undo record (which includes the entire tuple)
>> and for that ideally, we should write the complete tuple in WAL, but
>> instead of that, I think we can regenerate it from the original page.
>> This is only applicable when full_page_writes are enabled, otherwise,
>> a complete tuple is required in WAL.
> Yeah, you should really try to support both modes as well.

I also think so.

> Fortunately, it is possible to know if full page writes are enforced
> at the moment a record is assembled and inserted, so you could rely on
> that.

Yeah, but actually we need to know whether full page writes are
enforced while forming the record (something like in log_heap_update).
Now, ideally to read the flags XLogCtlInsert->
fullPageWrites or XLogCtlInsert->forcePageWrites, we need an insertion
lock as we do in XLogInsertRecord.  However, I think we don't need an
insertion lock to read the values for this purpose, rather we can use
GetFullPageWriteInfo which doesn't need a lock.  The reason is that if
the value of doPageWrites is true while forming and assembling the WAL
records, then we will include the copy of page even if the value
changes in XLogInsertRecord.   OTOH, if it is false while forming and
assembling the WAL records, then we would have to anyway include undo
tuple in the WAL record which will avoid the dependency on
full_page_image, so even if doPageWrites changes to true in
XLogInsertRecord, we don't need to worry.

>> I am not sure how much above makes sense to anyone without a detailed
>> explanation, but I thought I should give some background on why I
>> asked this question.  However, if anybody needs more explanation or
>> sees any fault in above understanding, please let me know.
> Thanks for clarifying, I was wondering the reason behind the question
> as well. It is the second time that I see the word zheap on -hackers,
> and the first time was no longer than 2 days ago by Robert.

This is a big undertaking and will take time to reach a stage where
the whole project can be shared, but some of the important design
points which are quite linked with existing technology can be
discussed earlier to avoid making wrong assumptions.

Thanks for having a discussion on this topic.

With Regards,
Amit Kapila.
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

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