> On 27 Aug 2017, at 08:37, Fabien COELHO <coe...@cri.ensmp.fr> wrote:
> About the patch:
> I'm generally in favor of providing more options to pgbench, especially if it 
> can give optimization ideas to the performance conscious user.
> I think that the name should be "tpcb-like-plfunc": the script does not 
> implement tpcb per spec, and such a function could be written in another 
> language with some performance benefit, or not.
> Maybe that mean to relax the prefix condition to "take the first matching 
> name" when prefix are used.
> If you are reimplementing the transaction anyway, you could consider using 
> UPDATE RETURNING instead of SELECT to get the balance. On the other hand the 
> doc says that the "steps" are put in a PL function, so maybe it should 
> reflect the original script.
> I'm surprised by:
>  "select * from pgbench_transaction(:aid, :bid, :tid, :delta);\n"
> Why not simply:
>    "select pgbench_transaction(:aid, :bid, :tid, :delta);\n"
> I would suggest to use a more precise function name, in case other functions 
> are thought of. Maybe "pgbench_tpcb_like_plfunc".
> I would suggest to indent better the PL/function and put keywords and types 
> in capital, and add explicitely the properties of the function (eg STRICT, 
> There is a spurious space at the end of the executeStatement call line.
> The patch potentially interacts with other patches in the long and slow 
> queue...
> As usual with pgbench there are no regression tests.

This patch has been Waiting for author during the commitfest without updates,
moving to Returned with feedback.

cheers ./daniel

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