Darafei Praliaskouski <m...@komzpa.net> writes:
> I have some questions about the circles example though.

>  * What is the reason for isnan check and swap of box ordinates for circle? 
> It wasn't in the code previously.

I hadn't paid any attention to this patch previously, but this comment
excited my curiosity, so I went and looked:

+       bbox->high.x = circle->center.x + circle->radius;
+       bbox->low.x = circle->center.x - circle->radius;
+       bbox->high.y = circle->center.y + circle->radius;
+       bbox->low.y = circle->center.y - circle->radius;
+       if (isnan(bbox->low.x))
+       {
+               double tmp = bbox->low.x;
+               bbox->low.x = bbox->high.x;
+               bbox->high.x = tmp;
+       }

Maybe I'm missing something, but it appears to me that it's impossible for
bbox->low.x to be NaN unless circle->center.x and/or circle->radius is a
NaN, in which case bbox->high.x would also have been computed as a NaN,
making the swap entirely useless.  Likewise for the Y case.  There may be
something useful to do about NaNs here, but this doesn't seem like it.

> How about removing circle from the scope of this patch, so it is smaller and 
> cleaner?

Neither of those patches would be particularly large, and since they'd need
to touch adjacent code in some places, the diffs wouldn't be independent.
I think splitting them is just make-work.

                        regards, tom lane

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