On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 11:26:08AM -0700, Andres Freund wrote:
> On 2017-09-14 14:41:12 -0500, Nico Williams wrote:
> > I've read through several old threads on COMMIT TRIGGERs.  Rather than
> > write a lengthy post addressing past debates, here's an implementation
> > and demonstration of [an approximation of] COMMIT TRIGGERs with natural
> > and _desirable_ semantics:
> I think you should also explain why that's a desirable set of
> semantics. E.g. explain the use case you have and potential other
> use-cases.  I think it should also be explained that these are
> *pre*-commit triggers - IIRC some people have asked for *post*-commit
> triggers in the past.

Responding out of order:

 - Yes, this is a pre-commit thing.

   It's the *same* as DEFERRED CONSTRAINT TRIGGERs.  After all, that's
   how I'm implementing this now :)

   Critically, the client/user can no longer execute additional
   statements at this point, since they've executed COMMIT.  Therefore
   these trigger procedures will see *all* of the changes made by the
   user (and all of the changes made by commit triggers that run before
   them, so, as usual, trigger invocation order matters).

 - As to use-cases, I listed a few in my post:

    - update/refresh view materializations
    - consistency checks
    - NOTIFY
    - record history (in particular, record transaction boundaries)
    - and, no doubt, others

Of course all of this can [almost!] be done with CONSTRAINT TRIGGERs,
since that's what I'm demonstrating.

HOWEVER, there's a *very serious* problem with CONSTRAINT TRIGGERs:
unprivileged users can make them run IMMEDIATEly rather than deferred.

Also, using CONSTRAINT TRIGGERs for this is inefficient.  Please see my
post and the linked file to see why.


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