Amit Kapila <> writes:
> On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 8:32 AM, Robert Haas <> wrote:
>> There's already ExecParallelReinitialize, which could be made to walk
>> the nodes in addition to what it does already, but I don't understand
>> exactly what else needs fixing.

> Sure, but it is not advisable to reset state of all the nodes below
> gather at that place, otherwise, it will be more or less like we are
> forcing rescan of each node.  I think there we can reset the shared
> parallel state of parallel-aware nodes (or anything related) and then
> allow rescan to reset the master backend specific state for all nodes
> beneath gather.

Right, the idea is to make this happen separately from the "rescan"
logic.  In general, it's a good idea for ExecReScanFoo to do as little
as possible, so that you don't pay if a node is rescanned more than
once before it's asked to do anything, or indeed if no rows are ever
demanded from it at all.

Attached is a WIP patch along this line.  It's unfinished because
I've not done the tedium of extending the FDW and CustomScan APIs
to support this new type of per-node operation; but that part seems
straightforward enough.  The core code is complete and survived
light testing.  I'm pretty happy with the results --- note in
particular how we get rid of some very dubious coding in
ExecReScanIndexScan and ExecReScanIndexOnlyScan.

If you try the test case from a2b70c89c on this patch alone, you'll notice
that instead of sometimes reporting too-small counts during the rescans,
it pretty consistently reports too-large counts.  This is because we are
now successfully resetting the shared state for the parallel seqscan, but
we haven't done anything about the leader's HashAgg node deciding that it
can re-use its old hashtable.  So on the first scan, the leader typically
scans all or most of the table because of its startup time advantage, and
saves those counts in its hashtable.  On later scans, the workers read all
of the table while the leader decides it need do no scanning.  So we get
counts that reflect all of the table (from the workers) plus whatever part
of the table the leader read the first time.  So this by no means removes
the need for my other patch.

If no objections, I'll do the additional legwork and push.  As before,
I think we can probably get away without fixing 9.6, even though it's
nominally got the same bug.

                        regards, tom lane

diff --git a/src/backend/access/heap/heapam.c b/src/backend/access/heap/heapam.c
index ff03c68..e29c5ad 100644
*** a/src/backend/access/heap/heapam.c
--- b/src/backend/access/heap/heapam.c
*************** heap_rescan(HeapScanDesc scan,
*** 1531,1551 ****
  	 * reinitialize scan descriptor
  	initscan(scan, key, true);
- 	/*
- 	 * reset parallel scan, if present
- 	 */
- 	if (scan->rs_parallel != NULL)
- 	{
- 		ParallelHeapScanDesc parallel_scan;
- 		/*
- 		 * Caller is responsible for making sure that all workers have
- 		 * finished the scan before calling this.
- 		 */
- 		parallel_scan = scan->rs_parallel;
- 		pg_atomic_write_u64(&parallel_scan->phs_nallocated, 0);
- 	}
  /* ----------------
--- 1531,1536 ----
*************** heap_parallelscan_initialize(ParallelHea
*** 1643,1648 ****
--- 1628,1646 ----
  /* ----------------
+  *		heap_parallelscan_reinitialize - reset a parallel scan
+  *
+  *		Call this in the leader process.  Caller is responsible for
+  *		making sure that all workers have finished the scan beforehand.
+  * ----------------
+  */
+ void
+ heap_parallelscan_reinitialize(ParallelHeapScanDesc parallel_scan)
+ {
+ 	pg_atomic_write_u64(&parallel_scan->phs_nallocated, 0);
+ }
+ /* ----------------
   *		heap_beginscan_parallel - join a parallel scan
   *		Caller must hold a suitable lock on the correct relation.
diff --git a/src/backend/executor/execParallel.c b/src/backend/executor/execParallel.c
index ce47f1d..d8cdb0e 100644
*** a/src/backend/executor/execParallel.c
--- b/src/backend/executor/execParallel.c
*************** static bool ExecParallelInitializeDSM(Pl
*** 109,114 ****
--- 109,116 ----
  						  ExecParallelInitializeDSMContext *d);
  static shm_mq_handle **ExecParallelSetupTupleQueues(ParallelContext *pcxt,
  							 bool reinitialize);
+ static bool ExecParallelReInitializeDSM(PlanState *planstate,
+ 							ParallelContext *pcxt);
  static bool ExecParallelRetrieveInstrumentation(PlanState *planstate,
  									SharedExecutorInstrumentation *instrumentation);
*************** ExecParallelSetupTupleQueues(ParallelCon
*** 365,382 ****
-  * Re-initialize the parallel executor info such that it can be reused by
-  * workers.
-  */
- void
- ExecParallelReinitialize(ParallelExecutorInfo *pei)
- {
- 	ReinitializeParallelDSM(pei->pcxt);
- 	pei->tqueue = ExecParallelSetupTupleQueues(pei->pcxt, true);
- 	pei->finished = false;
- }
- /*
   * Sets up the required infrastructure for backend workers to perform
   * execution and return results to the main backend.
--- 367,372 ----
*************** ExecInitParallelPlan(PlanState *planstat
*** 567,573 ****
  	ExecParallelInitializeDSM(planstate, &d);
! 	 * Make sure that the world hasn't shifted under our feat.  This could
  	 * probably just be an Assert(), but let's be conservative for now.
  	if (e.nnodes != d.nnodes)
--- 557,563 ----
  	ExecParallelInitializeDSM(planstate, &d);
! 	 * Make sure that the world hasn't shifted under our feet.  This could
  	 * probably just be an Assert(), but let's be conservative for now.
  	if (e.nnodes != d.nnodes)
*************** ExecInitParallelPlan(PlanState *planstat
*** 578,583 ****
--- 568,639 ----
+  * Re-initialize the parallel executor shared memory state before launching
+  * a fresh batch of workers.
+  */
+ void
+ ExecParallelReinitialize(PlanState *planstate,
+ 						 ParallelExecutorInfo *pei)
+ {
+ 	ReinitializeParallelDSM(pei->pcxt);
+ 	pei->tqueue = ExecParallelSetupTupleQueues(pei->pcxt, true);
+ 	pei->finished = false;
+ 	/* Traverse plan tree and let each child node reset associated state. */
+ 	ExecParallelReInitializeDSM(planstate, pei->pcxt);
+ }
+ /*
+  * Traverse plan tree to reinitialize per-node dynamic shared memory state
+  */
+ static bool
+ ExecParallelReInitializeDSM(PlanState *planstate,
+ 							ParallelContext *pcxt)
+ {
+ 	if (planstate == NULL)
+ 		return false;
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Call reinitializers for parallel-aware plan nodes.
+ 	 */
+ 	if (planstate->plan->parallel_aware)
+ 	{
+ 		switch (nodeTag(planstate))
+ 		{
+ 			case T_SeqScanState:
+ 				ExecSeqScanReInitializeDSM((SeqScanState *) planstate,
+ 										   pcxt);
+ 				break;
+ 			case T_IndexScanState:
+ 				ExecIndexScanReInitializeDSM((IndexScanState *) planstate,
+ 											 pcxt);
+ 				break;
+ 			case T_IndexOnlyScanState:
+ 				ExecIndexOnlyScanReInitializeDSM((IndexOnlyScanState *) planstate,
+ 												 pcxt);
+ 				break;
+ 			case T_ForeignScanState:
+ 				ExecForeignScanReInitializeDSM((ForeignScanState *) planstate,
+ 											   pcxt);
+ 				break;
+ 			case T_CustomScanState:
+ 				ExecCustomScanReInitializeDSM((CustomScanState *) planstate,
+ 											  pcxt);
+ 				break;
+ 			case T_BitmapHeapScanState:
+ 				ExecBitmapHeapReInitializeDSM((BitmapHeapScanState *) planstate,
+ 											  pcxt);
+ 				break;
+ 			default:
+ 				break;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	return planstate_tree_walker(planstate, ExecParallelReInitializeDSM, pcxt);
+ }
+ /*
   * Copy instrumentation information about this node and its descendants from
   * dynamic shared memory.
diff --git a/src/backend/executor/nodeBitmapHeapscan.c b/src/backend/executor/nodeBitmapHeapscan.c
index 79f534e..f7e55e0 100644
*** a/src/backend/executor/nodeBitmapHeapscan.c
--- b/src/backend/executor/nodeBitmapHeapscan.c
*************** ExecReScanBitmapHeapScan(BitmapHeapScanS
*** 705,727 ****
  	node->shared_tbmiterator = NULL;
  	node->shared_prefetch_iterator = NULL;
- 	/* Reset parallel bitmap state, if present */
- 	if (node->pstate)
- 	{
- 		dsa_area   *dsa = node->>es_query_dsa;
- 		node->pstate->state = BM_INITIAL;
- 		if (DsaPointerIsValid(node->pstate->tbmiterator))
- 			tbm_free_shared_area(dsa, node->pstate->tbmiterator);
- 		if (DsaPointerIsValid(node->pstate->prefetch_iterator))
- 			tbm_free_shared_area(dsa, node->pstate->prefetch_iterator);
- 		node->pstate->tbmiterator = InvalidDsaPointer;
- 		node->pstate->prefetch_iterator = InvalidDsaPointer;
- 	}
--- 705,710 ----
*************** ExecBitmapHeapInitializeDSM(BitmapHeapSc
*** 1000,1005 ****
--- 983,1013 ----
  /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
+  *		ExecBitmapHeapReInitializeDSM
+  *
+  *		Reset shared state before beginning a fresh scan.
+  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
+  */
+ void
+ ExecBitmapHeapReInitializeDSM(BitmapHeapScanState *node,
+ 							  ParallelContext *pcxt)
+ {
+ 	ParallelBitmapHeapState *pstate = node->pstate;
+ 	dsa_area   *dsa = node->>es_query_dsa;
+ 	pstate->state = BM_INITIAL;
+ 	if (DsaPointerIsValid(pstate->tbmiterator))
+ 		tbm_free_shared_area(dsa, pstate->tbmiterator);
+ 	if (DsaPointerIsValid(pstate->prefetch_iterator))
+ 		tbm_free_shared_area(dsa, pstate->prefetch_iterator);
+ 	pstate->tbmiterator = InvalidDsaPointer;
+ 	pstate->prefetch_iterator = InvalidDsaPointer;
+ }
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
   *		ExecBitmapHeapInitializeWorker
   *		Copy relevant information from TOC into planstate.
diff --git a/src/backend/executor/nodeCustom.c b/src/backend/executor/nodeCustom.c
index fb7645b..7ec72d7 100644
*** a/src/backend/executor/nodeCustom.c
--- b/src/backend/executor/nodeCustom.c
*************** ExecCustomScanInitializeDSM(CustomScanSt
*** 195,200 ****
--- 195,206 ----
+ ExecCustomScanReInitializeDSM(CustomScanState *node, ParallelContext *pcxt)
+ {
+ 	/* XXX */
+ }
+ void
  ExecCustomScanInitializeWorker(CustomScanState *node, shm_toc *toc)
  	const CustomExecMethods *methods = node->methods;
diff --git a/src/backend/executor/nodeForeignscan.c b/src/backend/executor/nodeForeignscan.c
index 140e82e..779d0db 100644
*** a/src/backend/executor/nodeForeignscan.c
--- b/src/backend/executor/nodeForeignscan.c
*************** ExecForeignScanInitializeDSM(ForeignScan
*** 332,338 ****
  /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
!  *		ExecForeignScanInitializeDSM
   *		Initialization according to the parallel coordination information
   * ----------------------------------------------------------------
--- 332,350 ----
  /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
!  *		ExecForeignScanReInitializeDSM
!  *
!  *		Reset shared state before beginning a fresh scan.
!  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
!  */
! void
! ExecForeignScanReInitializeDSM(ForeignScanState *node, ParallelContext *pcxt)
! {
! 	/* XXX */
! }
! /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
!  *		ExecForeignScanInitializeWorker
   *		Initialization according to the parallel coordination information
   * ----------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/src/backend/executor/nodeGather.c b/src/backend/executor/nodeGather.c
index e8d94ee..b8e24d9 100644
*** a/src/backend/executor/nodeGather.c
--- b/src/backend/executor/nodeGather.c
*************** ExecGather(PlanState *pstate)
*** 152,162 ****
  			ParallelContext *pcxt;
! 			/* Initialize the workers required to execute Gather node. */
  			if (!node->pei)
  				node->pei = ExecInitParallelPlan(node->ps.lefttree,
  			 * Register backend workers. We might not get as many as we
--- 152,165 ----
  			ParallelContext *pcxt;
! 			/* Initialize, or re-initialize, shared state needed by workers. */
  			if (!node->pei)
  				node->pei = ExecInitParallelPlan(node->ps.lefttree,
+ 			else
+ 				ExecParallelReinitialize(node->ps.lefttree,
+ 										 node->pei);
  			 * Register backend workers. We might not get as many as we
*************** ExecShutdownGather(GatherState *node)
*** 430,447 ****
  ExecReScanGather(GatherState *node)
! 	/*
! 	 * Re-initialize the parallel workers to perform rescan of relation. We
! 	 * want to gracefully shutdown all the workers so that they should be able
! 	 * to propagate any error or other information to master backend before
! 	 * dying.  Parallel context will be reused for rescan.
! 	 */
  	node->initialized = false;
- 	if (node->pei)
- 		ExecParallelReinitialize(node->pei);
--- 433,443 ----
  ExecReScanGather(GatherState *node)
! 	/* Make sure any existing workers are gracefully shut down */
+ 	/* Mark node so that shared state will be rebuilt at next call */
  	node->initialized = false;
diff --git a/src/backend/executor/nodeGatherMerge.c b/src/backend/executor/nodeGatherMerge.c
index 64c6239..26fde0b 100644
*** a/src/backend/executor/nodeGatherMerge.c
--- b/src/backend/executor/nodeGatherMerge.c
*************** ExecGatherMerge(PlanState *pstate)
*** 186,196 ****
  			ParallelContext *pcxt;
! 			/* Initialize data structures for workers. */
  			if (!node->pei)
  				node->pei = ExecInitParallelPlan(node->ps.lefttree,
  			/* Try to launch workers. */
  			pcxt = node->pei->pcxt;
--- 186,199 ----
  			ParallelContext *pcxt;
! 			/* Initialize, or re-initialize, shared state needed by workers. */
  			if (!node->pei)
  				node->pei = ExecInitParallelPlan(node->ps.lefttree,
+ 			else
+ 				ExecParallelReinitialize(node->ps.lefttree,
+ 										 node->pei);
  			/* Try to launch workers. */
  			pcxt = node->pei->pcxt;
*************** ExecShutdownGatherMergeWorkers(GatherMer
*** 325,344 ****
  ExecReScanGatherMerge(GatherMergeState *node)
! 	/*
! 	 * Re-initialize the parallel workers to perform rescan of relation. We
! 	 * want to gracefully shutdown all the workers so that they should be able
! 	 * to propagate any error or other information to master backend before
! 	 * dying.  Parallel context will be reused for rescan.
! 	 */
  	node->initialized = false;
  	node->gm_initialized = false;
- 	if (node->pei)
- 		ExecParallelReinitialize(node->pei);
--- 328,340 ----
  ExecReScanGatherMerge(GatherMergeState *node)
! 	/* Make sure any existing workers are gracefully shut down */
+ 	/* Mark node so that shared state will be rebuilt at next call */
  	node->initialized = false;
  	node->gm_initialized = false;
diff --git a/src/backend/executor/nodeIndexonlyscan.c b/src/backend/executor/nodeIndexonlyscan.c
index fe7ba3f..5351cb8 100644
*** a/src/backend/executor/nodeIndexonlyscan.c
--- b/src/backend/executor/nodeIndexonlyscan.c
*** 25,30 ****
--- 25,31 ----
   *						parallel index-only scan
   *		ExecIndexOnlyScanInitializeDSM	initialize DSM for parallel
   *						index-only scan
+  *		ExecIndexOnlyScanReInitializeDSM	reinitialize DSM for fresh scan
   *		ExecIndexOnlyScanInitializeWorker attach to DSM info in parallel worker
  #include "postgres.h"
*************** ExecIndexOnlyScan(PlanState *pstate)
*** 336,351 ****
  ExecReScanIndexOnlyScan(IndexOnlyScanState *node)
- 	bool		reset_parallel_scan = true;
- 	/*
- 	 * If we are here to just update the scan keys, then don't reset parallel
- 	 * scan. For detailed reason behind this look in the comments for
- 	 * ExecReScanIndexScan.
- 	 */
- 	if (node->ioss_NumRuntimeKeys != 0 && !node->ioss_RuntimeKeysReady)
- 		reset_parallel_scan = false;
  	 * If we are doing runtime key calculations (ie, any of the index key
  	 * values weren't simple Consts), compute the new key values.  But first,
--- 337,342 ----
*************** ExecReScanIndexOnlyScan(IndexOnlyScanSta
*** 366,380 ****
  	/* reset index scan */
  	if (node->ioss_ScanDesc)
- 	{
  					 node->ioss_ScanKeys, node->ioss_NumScanKeys,
  					 node->ioss_OrderByKeys, node->ioss_NumOrderByKeys);
- 		if (reset_parallel_scan && node->ioss_ScanDesc->parallel_scan)
- 			index_parallelrescan(node->ioss_ScanDesc);
- 	}
--- 357,366 ----
*************** ExecIndexOnlyScanInitializeDSM(IndexOnly
*** 672,677 ****
--- 658,676 ----
  /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
+  *		ExecIndexOnlyScanReInitializeDSM
+  *
+  *		Reset shared state before beginning a fresh scan.
+  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
+  */
+ void
+ ExecIndexOnlyScanReInitializeDSM(IndexOnlyScanState *node,
+ 								 ParallelContext *pcxt)
+ {
+ 	index_parallelrescan(node->ioss_ScanDesc);
+ }
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
   *		ExecIndexOnlyScanInitializeWorker
   *		Copy relevant information from TOC into planstate.
diff --git a/src/backend/executor/nodeIndexscan.c b/src/backend/executor/nodeIndexscan.c
index 404076d..638b17b 100644
*** a/src/backend/executor/nodeIndexscan.c
--- b/src/backend/executor/nodeIndexscan.c
*** 24,29 ****
--- 24,30 ----
   *		ExecIndexRestrPos		restores scan position.
   *		ExecIndexScanEstimate	estimates DSM space needed for parallel index scan
   *		ExecIndexScanInitializeDSM initialize DSM for parallel indexscan
+  *		ExecIndexScanReInitializeDSM reinitialize DSM for fresh scan
   *		ExecIndexScanInitializeWorker attach to DSM info in parallel worker
  #include "postgres.h"
*************** ExecIndexScan(PlanState *pstate)
*** 577,594 ****
  ExecReScanIndexScan(IndexScanState *node)
- 	bool		reset_parallel_scan = true;
- 	/*
- 	 * If we are here to just update the scan keys, then don't reset parallel
- 	 * scan.  We don't want each of the participating process in the parallel
- 	 * scan to update the shared parallel scan state at the start of the scan.
- 	 * It is quite possible that one of the participants has already begun
- 	 * scanning the index when another has yet to start it.
- 	 */
- 	if (node->iss_NumRuntimeKeys != 0 && !node->iss_RuntimeKeysReady)
- 		reset_parallel_scan = false;
  	 * If we are doing runtime key calculations (ie, any of the index key
  	 * values weren't simple Consts), compute the new key values.  But first,
--- 578,583 ----
*************** ExecReScanIndexScan(IndexScanState *node
*** 614,634 ****
! 	/*
! 	 * Reset (parallel) index scan.  For parallel-aware nodes, the scan
! 	 * descriptor is initialized during actual execution of node and we can
! 	 * reach here before that (ex. during execution of nest loop join).  So,
! 	 * avoid updating the scan descriptor at that time.
! 	 */
  	if (node->iss_ScanDesc)
- 	{
  					 node->iss_ScanKeys, node->iss_NumScanKeys,
  					 node->iss_OrderByKeys, node->iss_NumOrderByKeys);
- 		if (reset_parallel_scan && node->iss_ScanDesc->parallel_scan)
- 			index_parallelrescan(node->iss_ScanDesc);
- 	}
  	node->iss_ReachedEnd = false;
--- 603,613 ----
! 	/* reset index scan */
  	if (node->iss_ScanDesc)
  					 node->iss_ScanKeys, node->iss_NumScanKeys,
  					 node->iss_OrderByKeys, node->iss_NumOrderByKeys);
  	node->iss_ReachedEnd = false;
*************** ExecIndexScanInitializeDSM(IndexScanStat
*** 1717,1722 ****
--- 1696,1714 ----
  /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
+  *		ExecIndexScanReInitializeDSM
+  *
+  *		Reset shared state before beginning a fresh scan.
+  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
+  */
+ void
+ ExecIndexScanReInitializeDSM(IndexScanState *node,
+ 							 ParallelContext *pcxt)
+ {
+ 	index_parallelrescan(node->iss_ScanDesc);
+ }
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
   *		ExecIndexScanInitializeWorker
   *		Copy relevant information from TOC into planstate.
diff --git a/src/backend/executor/nodeSeqscan.c b/src/backend/executor/nodeSeqscan.c
index 5c49d4c..d4ac939 100644
*** a/src/backend/executor/nodeSeqscan.c
--- b/src/backend/executor/nodeSeqscan.c
*** 22,27 ****
--- 22,28 ----
   *		ExecSeqScanEstimate		estimates DSM space needed for parallel scan
   *		ExecSeqScanInitializeDSM initialize DSM for parallel scan
+  *		ExecSeqScanReInitializeDSM reinitialize DSM for fresh parallel scan
   *		ExecSeqScanInitializeWorker attach to DSM info in parallel worker
  #include "postgres.h"
*************** ExecSeqScanInitializeDSM(SeqScanState *n
*** 325,330 ****
--- 326,346 ----
  /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
+  *		ExecSeqScanReInitializeDSM
+  *
+  *		Reset shared state before beginning a fresh scan.
+  * ----------------------------------------------------------------
+  */
+ void
+ ExecSeqScanReInitializeDSM(SeqScanState *node,
+ 						   ParallelContext *pcxt)
+ {
+ 	HeapScanDesc scan = node->ss.ss_currentScanDesc;
+ 	heap_parallelscan_reinitialize(scan->rs_parallel);
+ }
+ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
   *		ExecSeqScanInitializeWorker
   *		Copy relevant information from TOC into planstate.
diff --git a/src/include/access/heapam.h b/src/include/access/heapam.h
index b2132e7..4e41024 100644
*** a/src/include/access/heapam.h
--- b/src/include/access/heapam.h
*************** extern HeapTuple heap_getnext(HeapScanDe
*** 130,135 ****
--- 130,136 ----
  extern Size heap_parallelscan_estimate(Snapshot snapshot);
  extern void heap_parallelscan_initialize(ParallelHeapScanDesc target,
  							 Relation relation, Snapshot snapshot);
+ extern void heap_parallelscan_reinitialize(ParallelHeapScanDesc parallel_scan);
  extern HeapScanDesc heap_beginscan_parallel(Relation, ParallelHeapScanDesc);
  extern bool heap_fetch(Relation relation, Snapshot snapshot,
diff --git a/src/include/executor/execParallel.h b/src/include/executor/execParallel.h
index bd0a87f..a651224 100644
*** a/src/include/executor/execParallel.h
--- b/src/include/executor/execParallel.h
*************** extern ParallelExecutorInfo *ExecInitPar
*** 36,42 ****
  					 EState *estate, int nworkers);
  extern void ExecParallelFinish(ParallelExecutorInfo *pei);
  extern void ExecParallelCleanup(ParallelExecutorInfo *pei);
! extern void ExecParallelReinitialize(ParallelExecutorInfo *pei);
  extern void ParallelQueryMain(dsm_segment *seg, shm_toc *toc);
--- 36,43 ----
  					 EState *estate, int nworkers);
  extern void ExecParallelFinish(ParallelExecutorInfo *pei);
  extern void ExecParallelCleanup(ParallelExecutorInfo *pei);
! extern void ExecParallelReinitialize(PlanState *planstate,
! 						 ParallelExecutorInfo *pei);
  extern void ParallelQueryMain(dsm_segment *seg, shm_toc *toc);
diff --git a/src/include/executor/nodeBitmapHeapscan.h b/src/include/executor/nodeBitmapHeapscan.h
index c77694c..10844a4 100644
*** a/src/include/executor/nodeBitmapHeapscan.h
--- b/src/include/executor/nodeBitmapHeapscan.h
*************** extern void ExecBitmapHeapEstimate(Bitma
*** 24,29 ****
--- 24,31 ----
  					   ParallelContext *pcxt);
  extern void ExecBitmapHeapInitializeDSM(BitmapHeapScanState *node,
  							ParallelContext *pcxt);
+ extern void ExecBitmapHeapReInitializeDSM(BitmapHeapScanState *node,
+ 							  ParallelContext *pcxt);
  extern void ExecBitmapHeapInitializeWorker(BitmapHeapScanState *node,
  							   shm_toc *toc);
diff --git a/src/include/executor/nodeCustom.h b/src/include/executor/nodeCustom.h
index a1cc63a..25767b6 100644
*** a/src/include/executor/nodeCustom.h
--- b/src/include/executor/nodeCustom.h
*************** extern void ExecCustomScanEstimate(Custo
*** 34,39 ****
--- 34,41 ----
  					   ParallelContext *pcxt);
  extern void ExecCustomScanInitializeDSM(CustomScanState *node,
  							ParallelContext *pcxt);
+ extern void ExecCustomScanReInitializeDSM(CustomScanState *node,
+ 							  ParallelContext *pcxt);
  extern void ExecCustomScanInitializeWorker(CustomScanState *node,
  							   shm_toc *toc);
  extern void ExecShutdownCustomScan(CustomScanState *node);
diff --git a/src/include/executor/nodeForeignscan.h b/src/include/executor/nodeForeignscan.h
index 0b66259..0354c2c 100644
*** a/src/include/executor/nodeForeignscan.h
--- b/src/include/executor/nodeForeignscan.h
*************** extern void ExecForeignScanEstimate(Fore
*** 25,30 ****
--- 25,32 ----
  						ParallelContext *pcxt);
  extern void ExecForeignScanInitializeDSM(ForeignScanState *node,
  							 ParallelContext *pcxt);
+ extern void ExecForeignScanReInitializeDSM(ForeignScanState *node,
+ 							   ParallelContext *pcxt);
  extern void ExecForeignScanInitializeWorker(ForeignScanState *node,
  								shm_toc *toc);
  extern void ExecShutdownForeignScan(ForeignScanState *node);
diff --git a/src/include/executor/nodeIndexonlyscan.h b/src/include/executor/nodeIndexonlyscan.h
index c8a709c..690b5db 100644
*** a/src/include/executor/nodeIndexonlyscan.h
--- b/src/include/executor/nodeIndexonlyscan.h
*************** extern void ExecIndexOnlyScanEstimate(In
*** 28,33 ****
--- 28,35 ----
  						  ParallelContext *pcxt);
  extern void ExecIndexOnlyScanInitializeDSM(IndexOnlyScanState *node,
  							   ParallelContext *pcxt);
+ extern void ExecIndexOnlyScanReInitializeDSM(IndexOnlyScanState *node,
+ 								 ParallelContext *pcxt);
  extern void ExecIndexOnlyScanInitializeWorker(IndexOnlyScanState *node,
  								  shm_toc *toc);
diff --git a/src/include/executor/nodeIndexscan.h b/src/include/executor/nodeIndexscan.h
index 1668e34..0670e87 100644
*** a/src/include/executor/nodeIndexscan.h
--- b/src/include/executor/nodeIndexscan.h
*************** extern void ExecIndexRestrPos(IndexScanS
*** 24,29 ****
--- 24,30 ----
  extern void ExecReScanIndexScan(IndexScanState *node);
  extern void ExecIndexScanEstimate(IndexScanState *node, ParallelContext *pcxt);
  extern void ExecIndexScanInitializeDSM(IndexScanState *node, ParallelContext *pcxt);
+ extern void ExecIndexScanReInitializeDSM(IndexScanState *node, ParallelContext *pcxt);
  extern void ExecIndexScanInitializeWorker(IndexScanState *node, shm_toc *toc);
diff --git a/src/include/executor/nodeSeqscan.h b/src/include/executor/nodeSeqscan.h
index 0fba79f..eb96799 100644
*** a/src/include/executor/nodeSeqscan.h
--- b/src/include/executor/nodeSeqscan.h
*************** extern void ExecReScanSeqScan(SeqScanSta
*** 24,29 ****
--- 24,30 ----
  /* parallel scan support */
  extern void ExecSeqScanEstimate(SeqScanState *node, ParallelContext *pcxt);
  extern void ExecSeqScanInitializeDSM(SeqScanState *node, ParallelContext *pcxt);
+ extern void ExecSeqScanReInitializeDSM(SeqScanState *node, ParallelContext *pcxt);
  extern void ExecSeqScanInitializeWorker(SeqScanState *node, shm_toc *toc);
  #endif							/* NODESEQSCAN_H */
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