On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 5:15 PM, Fabien COELHO <coe...@cri.ensmp.fr> wrote:
>>> Why not allow -I as a short option for --custom-initialize?
>> Other options for similar purpose such as --foreign-keys also have
>> only a long option. Since I think --custom-initialize option is in the
>> same context as other options I didn't add short option to it for now.
>> Because the options name is found by a prefix searching we can use a
>> short name --cu for now.
> Hmmm. I like short options:-)

Okay, I added -I option for custom initialization :)

>> I'm inclined to remove the restriction so that we can specify
>> --foreign-keys, --no-vacuum and --custom-initialize at the same time.
> Ok. I favor that as well.

If building foreign keys command is not specified in -I but
--foreign-keys options is specified (e.g. pgbench -i -I tpd
--foreign-keys) I think we can add 'f' to the end of the
initialization commands.

>> I think a list of char would be better here rather than a single
>> malloced string to remove particular initialization step easily.
>> Thought?
> My thought is not to bother with a list of char.
> To remove a char from a string, I suggest to allow ' ' to stand for nothing
> and be skipped, so that substituting a letter by space would simply remove
> an initialization phase.

I think we should not add/remove a command of initialization commands
during parsing pgbench options in order to not depend on its order.
Therefore, if -I,  --foreign-keys and --no-vacuum are specified at the
same time, what we do is removing some 'v' commands if novacuum and
adding a 'f' command if foreignkey. Also we expect that the length of
initialization steps would not long. Using malloced string would less
the work. Ok, I changed the patch so.

Attached latest v4 patch. Please review it.


Masahiko Sawada
NTT Open Source Software Center

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