The documentation says the following is allowed:
INSERT INTO sal_emp VALUES ('Bill', ARRAY[10000, 10000, 10000, 10000], ARRAY[['meeting', 'lunch'], ['','']]);
I cannot find justification for this in the standard. According to my reading, it should be
INSERT INTO sal_emp VALUES ('Bill', ARRAY[10000, 10000, 10000, 10000], ARRAY[ARRAY['meeting', 'lunch'], ARRAY['','']]);
This parallels my question on the last post. I don't see any justification for multidimensional arrays at all, so my thought was that we have a free hand to define it. It seemed much nicer to write:
for a 6 dimensional array, than this:
and actually, both do work:
regression=# select ARRAY[ARRAY[ARRAY[ARRAY[ARRAY[ARRAY[1]]]]]]; array --------------- {{{{{{1}}}}}} (1 row)
regression=# select ARRAY[[[[[[1]]]]]]; array --------------- {{{{{{1}}}}}} (1 row)
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