Thank you for looking this.

At Wed, 28 Jun 2017 10:23:54 +0200, Antonin Houska <> wrote in 
> Kyotaro HORIGUCHI <> wrote:
> > The patch got conflicted. This is a new version just rebased to
> > the current master. Furtuer amendment will be taken later.
> Can you please explain this part of make_append() ?
> /* Currently async on partitioned tables is not available */
> Assert(nasyncplans == 0 || partitioned_rels == NIL);
> I don't think the output of Append plan is supposed to be ordered even if the
> underlying relation is partitioned. Besides ordering, is there any other
> reason not to use the asynchronous execution?

It was just a developmental sentinel that will remind me later to
consider the declarative partitions since I didn't have an idea
of the differences (or the similarity) between appendrels and
partitioned_rels. It is never to say the condition cannot
make. I'll check it out and will support partitioned_rels sooner.
Sorry for having left it as it is.

> And even if there was some, the planner should ensure that executor does not
> fire the assertion statement above. The script attached shows an example how
> to cause the assertion failure.


Kyotaro Horiguchi
NTT Open Source Software Center

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