If you run a pgbench session of 1 minute over a logical replication
connection and repeat that 100x this is what you get:
At clients 90, 64, 8, scale 25:
-- out_20170525_0944.txt
100 -- pgbench -c 90 -j 8 -T 60 -P 12 -n -- scale 25
93 -- All is well.
7 -- Not good.
-- out_20170525_1426.txt
100 -- pgbench -c 64 -j 8 -T 60 -P 12 -n -- scale 25
82 -- All is well.
18 -- Not good.
-- out_20170525_2049.txt
100 -- pgbench -c 8 -j 8 -T 60 -P 12 -n -- scale 25
90 -- All is well.
10 -- Not good
At clients 90, 64, 8, scale 25:
-- out_20170526_0126.txt
100 -- pgbench -c 90 -j 8 -T 60 -P 12 -n -- scale 5
98 -- All is well.
2 -- Not good.
-- out_20170526_0352.txt
100 -- pgbench -c 64 -j 8 -T 60 -P 12 -n -- scale 5
97 -- All is well.
3 -- Not good.
-- out_20170526_0621.txt
45 -- pgbench -c 8 -j 8 -T 60 -P 12 -n -- scale 5
41 -- All is well.
3 -- Not good.
(That last one obviously not finished)
I think this is pretty awful, really, for a beta level.
The above installations (master+replica) are with Petr Jelinek's (and
Michael Paquier's) last patches
Now, it could be that there is somehow something wrong with my
test-setup (as opposed to some bug in log-repl). I can post my test
program, but I'll do that separately (but below is the core all my tests
-- it's basically still that very first test that I started out with,
many months ago...)
I'd like to find out/know more about:
- Do you agree this number of failures is far too high?
- Am I the only one finding so many failures?
- Is anyone else testing the same way (more or less continually, finding
only succes)?
- Which of the Open Items could be resposible for this failure rate? (I
don't see a match.)
- What tests do others do? Could we somehow concentrate results and
method somewhere?
Erik Rijkers
The core of the 'pgbench_derail' test (bash) is simply:
echo "drop table if exists pgbench_accounts;
drop table if exists pgbench_branches;
drop table if exists pgbench_tellers;
drop table if exists pgbench_history;" | psql -qXp $port1 \
&& echo "drop table if exists pgbench_accounts;
drop table if exists pgbench_branches;
drop table if exists pgbench_tellers;
drop table if exists pgbench_history;" | psql -qXp $port2 \
&& pgbench -p $port1 -qis $scale \
&& echo "alter table pgbench_history add column hid serial primary key;"
| psql -q1Xp $port1 && pg_dump -F c -p $port1 \
--exclude-table-data=pgbench_history \
--exclude-table-data=pgbench_accounts \
--exclude-table-data=pgbench_branches \
--exclude-table-data=pgbench_tellers \
-t pgbench_history -t pgbench_accounts \
-t pgbench_branches -t pgbench_tellers \
| pg_restore -1 -p $port2 -d testdb
echo "create publication pub1 for all tables;" | psql -p $port1 -aqtAX
echo "create subscription sub1 connection 'port=${port1}
application_name=$appname' publication pub1 with(enabled=false);
alter subscription sub1 enable;" | psql -p $port2 -aqtAX
pgbench -c $clients -j $threads -T $duration -P $pseconds -n # scale
Now compare md5's of the sorted content of each of the 4 pgbench tables
on primary and replica. They should be the same.
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