On 2017-05-22 01:50, Tom Lane wrote:
> Being lazy, I just wiped my copy and re-cloned, but it still seems the
> same as before ... last commit on the pass3 branch is from Mar 4.
> What branch should I be paying attention to?

Sorry for the trouble, this is because I interactively git-rebased it in
order to rewrite history. I do this to limit the number of commits to
the FreeBSD repository. Next time I'll leave fix-ups in chronological
order and meld them with what they fix just before committing to the
FreeBSD repository.

pass3 is the right branch. A fresh clone should have worked as in the
attached log.
me@t520 /tmp> git clone https://github.com/pstef/freebsd_indent
Cloning into 'freebsd_indent'...
remote: Counting objects: 640, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (55/55), done.
remote: Total 640 (delta 128), reused 151 (delta 116), pack-reused 469
Receiving objects: 100% (640/640), 270.61 KiB | 66.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (409/409), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
me@t520 /tmp> cd freebsd_indent
me@t520 /t/freebsd_indent> bmake CC=clang CFLAGS='-D__FBSDID="static char 
*rcsid=" -g -O0'
clang -D__FBSDID="static char *rcsid=" -g -O0    -c indent.c
clang -D__FBSDID="static char *rcsid=" -g -O0    -c io.c
clang -D__FBSDID="static char *rcsid=" -g -O0    -c lexi.c
clang -D__FBSDID="static char *rcsid=" -g -O0    -c parse.c
clang -D__FBSDID="static char *rcsid=" -g -O0    -c pr_comment.c
clang -D__FBSDID="static char *rcsid=" -g -O0    -c args.c
clang   -o indent  indent.o io.o lexi.o parse.o pr_comment.o args.o 
nroff -man indent.1 > indent.cat1
me@t520 /t/freebsd_indent> cp ~/postgres/freebsd_indent/test.c .
me@t520 /t/freebsd_indent> ./indent -bad -bap -bc -bl -d0 -cdb -nce -nfc1 -di12 
-i4 -l79 -lp -nip -npro -bbb -cli1 
-U/home/me/pgindent-test/git/src/tools/pgindent/typedefs.list < test.c
typedef struct GinBtreeData
    /* search methods */
    BlockNumber (*findChildPage) (GinBtree, GinBtreeStack *);
    BlockNumber (*getLeftMostChild) (GinBtree, Page);
    bool        (*isMoveRight) (GinBtree, Page);
    bool        (*findItem) (GinBtree, GinBtreeStack *);

    /* insert methods */
    OffsetNumber (*findChildPtr) (GinBtree, Page, BlockNumber, OffsetNumber);
    GinPlaceToPageRC (*beginPlaceToPage) (GinBtree, Buffer, GinBtreeStack *, 
void *, BlockNumber, void **, Page *, Page *);
    void        (*execPlaceToPage) (GinBtree, Buffer, GinBtreeStack *, void *, 
BlockNumber, void *);

    const unsigned (*TABLE_index)[2];

    if (stat(pg_data, &statbuf) != 0)
         * The Linux Standard Base Core Specification 3.1 says this should
         * return '4, program or service status is unknown'
         * https://refspecs.linuxbase.org/LSB_3.1.0/LSB-Core-generic/LSB-Core-g
         * eneric/iniscrptact.html
        exit(is_status_request ? 4 : 1);
me@t520 /t/freebsd_indent> cat test.c
typedef struct GinBtreeData
        /* search methods */
        BlockNumber (*findChildPage) (GinBtree, GinBtreeStack *);
        BlockNumber (*getLeftMostChild) (GinBtree, Page);
        bool            (*isMoveRight) (GinBtree, Page);
        bool            (*findItem) (GinBtree, GinBtreeStack *);

        /* insert methods */
        OffsetNumber (*findChildPtr) (GinBtree, Page, BlockNumber, 
        GinPlaceToPageRC (*beginPlaceToPage) (GinBtree, Buffer, GinBtreeStack 
*, void *, BlockNumber, void **, Page *, Page *);
        void            (*execPlaceToPage) (GinBtree, Buffer, GinBtreeStack *, 
void *, BlockNumber, void *);

        const unsigned (*TABLE_index)[2];
        if (stat(pg_data, &statbuf) != 0)
                 * The Linux Standard Base Core Specification 3.1 says this 
                 * return '4, program or service status is unknown'
                 * eneric/iniscrptact.html
                exit(is_status_request ? 4 : 1);
me@t520 /t/freebsd_indent>
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