Simon Riggs <> writes:
> I've added code following Michael and Tom's comments to the previous
> patch. New patch attached.

Couple of minor suggestions:

* Rather than deleting the comment for SubTransSetParent entirely,
maybe make it say "It's possible that the parent was already recorded.
However, we should never be asked to change an already-set entry to
something else."

* In SubTransGetTopmostTransaction, maybe it'd be better to spell
"TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals" as "!TransactionIdPrecedes" to make
it look more like the test just above.  Matter of taste though.

* Less a matter of taste is that I think that should be just elog(ERROR);
there's no good reason to make it FATAL.

* Also, I think there should be a comment there, along the lines of
"check for reversed linkage to ensure this isn't an infinite loop".

                        regards, tom lane

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