On 11/04/17 08:50, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
On 04/10/2017 11:03 PM, Álvaro Hernández Tortosa wrote:
Channel binding needs to specify actually three things:
- The mechanism, which is indeed suffixed "-PLUS".
- The channel binding name, which is described here:
https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5056. Types are also IANA-registered (see
SCRAM mandates to implement 'tls-unique', but other channel binding
types could be supported (like 'tls-server-end-point' for example).
- The channel binding data, which is channel binding mechanism
dependent, and is sent as part of the client last message.
What I'm talking about here is the second one, the channel binding
type (name).
Oh, I see. According to the SCRAM RFC, "tls-unique" is used by
default. I don't see us implementing anything else any time soon.
PostgreSQL doesn't support any other "channel type" than TLS, and
tls-unique is the only one that makes sense for TLS.
If we do need it after all, the server could advertise the additional
channel binding types as additional SASL mechanisms in the
AuthenticationSASL message, maybe something like:
"SCRAM-SHA-256-PLUS" (for tls-unique)
"SCRAM-SHA-256-PLUS ssh-unique" (for hypothetical ssh channel binding)
The same trick can be used to advertise any other SASL mechanism
specific options, if needed in the future.
Why not add an extra field to the message? This scheme has in my
opinion some disadvantages:
- You assume no extensibility. Maybe Postgres will implement other
mechanisms for channel binding. Maybe not. But why limit ourselves?
- Apart from tls-unique there are others today, like
tls-server-end-point and who knows if in the future TLS 1.x comes with
something like 'tls-unique-1.x'
- Why have to parse the string (separated by spaces) when you could use
different fields and have no parsing at all?
- How do you advertise different SCRAM mechanisms with different channel
binding types? And a mix of SCRAM mechanisms with and without channel
binding? If I got it right, with your proposal it would be something like:
Field 1: SCRAM-SHA-256,SCRAM-SHA-256-PLUS tls-unique,SCRAM-SHA-1-PLUS
tls-unique,SCRAM-SHA-512-PLUS tls-unique
(which is basically a CSV of pairs where the right part of the pair
might be empty; too much IMHO for a single field)
Field 1:
(simple CSV)
Field 2: tls-unique (String)
Is there any reason not to use two fields? AuthenticationSASL is a
new message, I guess we can freely choose its format, right?
I'm not sure I follow. The username is sent from client to server, and
currently, the server will ignore it. If you're writing a client
library, it can send whatever it wants. (Although again I would
recommend an empty string, to avoid confusion. Sending the same
username as in the startup packet, as long as it's in UTF-8, seems
reasonable too.)
OK, understood. I will not let then the SCRAM implementation I'm
writing to allow for empty string as the user name, but in the pgjdbc
glue code send "ignore" as the user name or something like that ;P
Hmm, so the SASL library you're using doesn't like sending an empty
string as the username? Now that I look at RFC5802 more closely, it says:
If the preparation of the username fails or results in an empty
string, the server SHOULD abort the authentication exchange.
Perhaps we should reserve a magic user name to mean "same as startup
message", in addition or instead of the empty string. We actually
discussed that already at [1], but we forgot about it since.
That works. Please let me know what is the "magic constant" chosen ;P
Álvaro Hernández Tortosa
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