Thank you, pushed
Andrew Borodin wrote:
2017-03-22 22:48 GMT+05:00 Teodor Sigaev <>:
hasEmptyChild? and hasNonEmptyChild (BTW, isAnyNonempy has missed 't')
Yes, I think this naming is good. It's clear what's in common in these
flags and what's different.
And if the whole posting tree is empty,then we could mark root page as leaf
and remove all other pages in tree without any locking. Although, it could
be a task for separate patch.
From the performance point of view, this is a very good idea. Both,
performance of VACUUM and performance of Scans. But doing so we risk
to leave some garbage pages in case of a crash. And I do not see how
to avoid these without unlinking pages one by one. I agree, that
leaving this trick for a separate patch is quite reasonable.
Best regards, Andrey Borodin.
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