On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 7:54 PM, Amos Bird <amosb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Stephen,
> Well, the prefix is used to differentiate other \d commands, like
> this,
> amos=# \ditv
>                       List of relations
>  Schema |        Name        |     Type     | Owner |  Table
> --------+--------------------+--------------+-------+---------
>  public | i                  | table        | amos  |
>  public | ii                 | index: gist  | amos  | i
>  public | j                  | table        | amos  |
>  public | jj                 | index: gin   | amos  | i
>  public | jp                 | index: btree | amos  | i
>  public | js                 | index: brin  | amos  | i
>  public | numbers            | table        | amos  |
>  public | numbers_mod2       | index: gin   | amos  | numbers
>  public | numbers_mod2_btree | index: btree | amos  | numbers
>  public | ts                 | table        | amos  |
> (10 rows)

The header for this table is "list of relations", so type gets
associated with relations indicated type of relation. btree: gin as a
type of relation doesn't sound really great. Instead we might want to
add another column "access method" and specify the access method used
for that relation. But then only indexes seem to have access methods
per pg_class.h.

Best Wishes,
Ashutosh Bapat
EnterpriseDB Corporation
The Postgres Database Company

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