> On 2 Mar 2017, at 01:20, Petr Jelinek <petr.jeli...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> The info gets removed on COMMIT PREPARED but at that point
> there is no real difference between replicating it as 2pc or 1pc since
> the 2pc behavior is for all intents and purposes lost at that point.

If we are doing 2pc and COMMIT PREPARED happens then we should
replicate that without transaction body to the receiving servers since tx
is already prepared on them with some GID. So we need a way to construct
that GID.

It seems that last ~10 messages I’m failing to explain some points about this
topic. Or, maybe, I’m failing to understand some points. Can we maybe setup
skype call to discuss this and post summary here? Craig? Peter?

Stas Kelvich
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

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