
2017-03-02 1:12 GMT+01:00 Alvaro Herrera <alvhe...@2ndquadrant.com>:

> I've been giving this a look.  I started by tweaking the docs once
> again, and while verifying that the example works as expected, I
> replayed what I have in sgml:
> ... begin SGML paste ...
>     <para>
>      For example, given the following XML document:
>   <screen><![CDATA[
> <ROWS>
>   <ROW id="1">
>   </ROW>
>   <ROW id="5">
>   </ROW>
>   <ROW id="6">
>     <SIZE unit="km">791</SIZE>
>   </ROW>
> </ROWS>
> ]]></screen>
>      the following query produces the result shown below:
> <screen><![CDATA[
> SELECT  xmltable.*
>   FROM (SELECT data FROM xmldata) x,
>         LATERAL xmltable('//ROWS/ROW'
>                          PASSING data
>                          COLUMNS id int PATH '@id',
>                                  ordinality FOR ORDINALITY,
>                                  country_name text PATH 'COUNTRY_NAME',
>                                  country_id text PATH 'COUNTRY_ID',
>                                  size float PATH 'SIZE[@unit =
> "km"]/text()',
>                                  unit text PATH 'SIZE/@unit',
>                                  premier_name text PATH 'PREMIER_NAME'
> DEFAULT 'not specified');
> ... end SGML paste ...
> But the query doesn't actually return a table, but instead it fails with
> this error:
>   ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type double precision: ""
> This is because of the "size" column (if I remove SIZE from the COLUMNS
> clause, the query returns correctly).  Apparently, for the rows where
> SIZE is not given, we try to inssert an empty string instead of a NULL
> value, which is what I expected.
> I'm using your v44 code, but trimmed both the XML document used in SGML
> as well as modified the query slightly to show additional features.  But
> those changes should not cause the above error ...

The example in doc is obsolete. Following example works without problems.

 SELECT xmltable.*

  FROM (SELECT data FROM xmldata) x,
        LATERAL xmltable('//ROWS/ROW'
                         PASSING data
                         COLUMNS id int PATH '@id',
                                 ordinality FOR ORDINALITY,
                                 country_name text PATH 'COUNTRY_NAME',
                                 country_id text PATH 'COUNTRY_ID',
                                 size float PATH 'SIZE[@unit = "km"]',
                                 unit text PATH 'SIZE/@unit',
                                 premier_name text PATH 'PREMIER_NAME'
DEFAULT 'not specified');

It is related to older variants of this patch, where I explicitly mapped
empty strings to NULL.

Now, I don't do it - I use libxml2 result with following mapping

No tag ... NULL
empty tag ... empty string

Important question is about mapping empty tags to Postgres. I prefer
current behave, because I have a possibility to differ between these states
on application level. If we returns NULL for empty tag, then there will not
be possible detect if XML has tag (although empty) or not. The change is
simple - just one row - but I am thinking so current behave is better.
There is possible risk of using /text() somewhere - it enforce a empty tag
with all negative impacts.

I prefer to fix doc in conformance with regress tests and append note about
mapping these corner cases from XML to relations.

What do you think about it?



> --
> Álvaro Herrera                https://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
> PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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