On 02/14/2017 04:56 AM, Michael Paquier wrote:
On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 11:32 AM, Andreas Karlsson <andr...@proxel.se> wrote:
On 02/13/2017 06:31 AM, Michael Paquier wrote:
Er, something like that as well, no?
DETAIL: CPU: user: 0.00 s, system: 0.00 s, elapsed: 0.00 s.
REINDEX (VERBOSE) currently prints one such line per index, which does not
really work for REINDEX (VERBOSE) CONCURRENTLY since it handles all indexes
on a relation at the same time. It is not immediately obvious how this
should work. Maybe one such detail line per table?
Hard to recall this thing in details with the time and the fact that a
relation is reindexed by processing all the indexes once at each step.
Hm... What if ReindexRelationConcurrently() actually is refactored in
such a way that it processes all the steps for each index
individually? This way you can monitor the time it takes to build
completely each index, including its . This operation would consume
more transactions but in the event of a failure the amount of things
to clean up is really reduced particularly for relations with many
indexes. This would as well reduce VERBOSE to print one line per index
I am actually thinking about going the opposite direction (by reducing
the number of times we call WaitForLockers), because it is not just
about consuming transaction IDs, we also do not want to wait too many
times for transactions to commit. I am leaning towards only calling
WaitForLockersMultiple three times per table.
1. Between building and validating the new indexes.
2. Between setting the old indexes to invalid and setting them to dead
3. Between setting the old indexes to dead and dropping them
Right now my patch loops over the indexes in step 2 and 3 and waits for
lockers once per index. This seems rather wasteful.
I have thought about that the code might be cleaner if we just looped
over all indexes (and as a bonus the VERBOSE output would be more
obvious), but I do not think it is worth waiting for lockers all those
extra times.
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