On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 6:45 AM, Peter Geoghegan <p...@bowt.ie> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 2:47 PM, Peter Geoghegan <p...@bowt.ie> wrote:
>>> which isn't an issue here, but reinforces my point about the (badly
>>> documented) assumption that we don't release locks on user relations
>>> early.

I think even if we don't need to retain locks till transaction end in
the present case, but Andres's point has a merit that it is good to
follow an undocumented rule of releasing locks at transaction end for
user relations unless there is some benefit in releasing the locks
early in some situation.  I think that can avoid unnecessary worry
that whether it safe to do in some situation.

>> You are right about the substantive issue, I assume, but I have a hard
>> time agreeing with the idea that it's even badly documented when there
>> are at least 10 counter-examples of blithely doing this. In any case,
>> I find it very confusing when you talk about things as established
>> practice/coding standards when they're very clearly not consistently
>> adhered to at all. You should at least say "let's not make a bad
>> situation any worse", or something, so that I don't need to spend 10
>> minutes pulling my hair out.
> BTW, aren't there cases where a PARALLEL SAFE function that needs to
> acquire locks on some arbitrary relation not referenced in the query
> can get locks on its own, which may only last as long as the parallel
> worker's lifetime? This could happen *despite* the fact that the
> author of the function may have imagined that callers could not
> release relation level locks early (i.e., by not releasing them
> directly, and so correctly following this "badly documented
> assumption").
> It seems like the existence of PARALLEL RESTRICTED is primarily
> motivated by making stuff that definitely needs the locks to last
> until xact end being sure that that happens -- the docs say so.

I don't think so.  I think one of the primary reason of releasing
locks in workers is that we don't have any way to transfer them to the
leader which can release them at transaction end.

> This
> seems wholly inconsistent with the idea that you're not supposed to
> let that happen under any circumstances. I find all this highly
> confusing. Have I missed some further subtlety that applies with

The basic idea of parallel restricted is that any expression will be
considered parallel restricted if that can't be executed in the
worker, for example, a reference to initplans in a query.

With Regards,
Amit Kapila.
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

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