> I noticed that the "barking" is conditional to "success". ISTM that it
> should always "bark" in interactive mode, whether success or not.

"success" in those cases means "the expression was a valid boolean", and
non-success cases (should) result in an error being printed regardless of
interactive mode. If you see otherwise, let me know.

> While testing it and seeing the code, I agree that it is too
> verbose/redundant. At least remove "active/inactive, ".

Have done so, new patch pending "how-do-I-know-when-input-is-empty" in Ctrl

> - Help text. New block in help text called "Conditionals"
> Maybe it could be moved to "Input/Output" renamed as "Input/Output
> Control", or maybe the "Conditionals" section could be moved next to it, it
> seems more logical than after large objects.

I put it near the bottom, figuring someone would have a better idea of
where to put it. You did.

> I think that the descriptions are too long. The interactive user can be
> trusted to know what "if/elif/else/endif" mean, or to refer to the full
> documentation otherwise. The point is just to provide a syntax and function
> reminder, not a substitute for the doc. Thus I would suggest shorter
> one-line messages like:
>  \if <expr>    begin a new conditional block
>  \elif <expr>  else if in the current conditional block
>  \else         else in current conditional block
>  \endif        end current conditional block


> Hmmm. Perl is perl. Attached an attempt at improving that, which is
> probably debatable, but at least it is easy to add further tests without
> massive copy-pasting.

+1 that's a good start.

> - regression tests now have comments to explain purpose
> Ok.
> Small details about the code:
>   +       if (!pset.active_branch && !is_branching_command(cmd) )
> Not sure why there is a space before the last closing parenthesis.


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