> > > All, > As it is, I've added interactive mode psql_error notifications about the > resulting branching state of any branching commands, and any attempt to > send non-branching commands or queries while in an inactive branch will > generate a psql_error saying that the command was ignored. Waiting til I > get what should or shouldn't be done about prompts before issuing the next > patch revision. >
So far, interactive branching information will look like this (it prints on every branching command and on every ignored command): # \if true active \if, executing commands # select 1; ?column? ---------- 1 (1 row) Time: 0.282 ms # \else inactive \else, ignoring commands # select 1; inside inactive branch, query ignored. # select ... # 1; inside inactive branch, query ignored. # \endif active \endif, executing commands # \if false inactive \if, ignoring commands # \i file_name inside inactive branch, command ignored. # \elif false inactive \elif, ignoring commands # \else active \else, executing commands # \endif active \endif, executing commands Comments welcome.