On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 1:00 PM, Ian Jackson <ian.jack...@eu.citrix.com> wrote:
> The conversion is as follows: if a scenario is affected by the caveat,
> in there must be at least one transaction T which firstly produces
> "impossible" results I, and in which some later statement S produces a
> serialisation failure.
> To exhibit the corresponding unavoidable bug: Execute an identical
> scenario, with exactly the same sequence of steps in the same order,
> up to S.  However, instead of S, execute ROLLBACK.

I am having a hard time understanding exactly what the argument on
this thread is about, but I want to comment on this point.

Saying that a set of transactions are serializable is equivalent to
the statement that there is some serial order of execution which would
have produced results equivalent to the actual results.  That is,
there must be at least one schedule (T1, ..., Tn) such that running
the transactions one after another in that order would have produced
the same results that were obtained by running them concurrently.
Any transactions that roll back whether due to serialization anomalies
or manual user intervention or any other reason are not part of the
schedule, which considers only successfully committed transactions.
The rolled-back transactions effectively didn't happen, and
serializability as a concept makes no claim about the behavior of such
transactions.  That's not a PostgreSQL thing: that's database theory.

However, in practice, the scenario that you mention should generally
work fine in PostgreSQL, I think.  If T performed any writes, the
rollback throws them away, so imagine removing the actual T from the
mix and replacing it with a substitute version T' which performs the
same reads but no writes and then tries to COMMIT where T tried to
ROLLBACK.  T' will succeed, because we never roll back a read-only
transaction at commit time.  If it were to fail, it would have to fail
*while performing one of the reads*, not later.

But imagine a hypothetical database system in which anomalies are
never detected until commit time.  We somehow track the global
must-happen-before graph and refuse the commit of any transaction
which will create a cycle.  Let's also suppose that this system uses
snapshots to implement MVCC.  In such a system, read-only transactions
will sometimes fail at commit time if they've seen a view of the world
that is inconsistent with the only remaining possible serial
schedules.  For example, suppose T1 updates A -> A' and reads B.
Concurrently, T2 updates B -> B'; thus, T1 must precede T2.  Next, T2
commits.  Now, T3 begins and reads B', so that T2 must precede T3.
Next T1 commits.  T3, which took its snapshot before the commit of T1,
now reads A.  Thus T3 has to proceed T1.  That's a cycle, so T3 won't
be allowed to commit, but yet it's done a couple of reads and hasn't
failed yet...  because of an implementation detail of the system.
That's probably annoying from a user perspective -- if a transaction
is certainly going to fail we'd like to report the failure as early as
possible -- and it's probably crushingly slow, but according to my
understanding it's unarguably a correct implementation of
serializability (assuming there are no bugs), yet it doesn't deliver
the guarantee you're asking for here.

I have not read any database literature on the interaction of
serializability with subtransactions.  This seems very thorny.
Suppose T1 reads A and B and updates A -> A' while concurrently T2
reads A and B and updates B -> B'.  This is obviously not
serializable; if either transaction had executed before the other in a
serial schedule, the second transaction in the schedule would have had
to have seen (A, B') or (A', B) rather than (A, B), but that's not
what happened.  But what if each of T1 and T2 did the reads in a
subtransaction, rolled it back, and then did the write in the main
transaction and committed?  The database system has two options.
First, it could assume that the toplevel transaction may have relied
on the results of the aborted subtransaction.  But if it does that,
then any serialization failure which afflicts a subtransaction must
necessarily also kill the main transaction, which seems pedantic and
unhelpful.  If you'd wanted the toplevel transaction to be killled,
you wouldn't have used a subtransaction, right?  Second, it could
assume that the toplevel transaction in no way relied on or used the
values obtained from the aborted subtransaction.  However, that
defeats the whole purpose of having subtransactions in the first
place.  What's the point of being able to start subtransactions if you
can't roll them back and then decide to do something else instead?  It
seems to me that what the database system should do is make that
second assumption, and what the user should do is understand that to
the degree that transactions depend on the results of aborted
subtransactions, there may be serialization anomalies that go
undetected.  And the user should put up with that because the cure is
worse than the disease.  Maybe there's a more formally satisfying
answer than that but I'm not really seeing it...

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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