On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 9:31 PM, Masahiko Sawada <sawada.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 10, 2016 at 5:17 PM, Amit Kapila <amit.kapil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 8, 2016 at 3:02 PM, Masahiko Sawada <sawada.m...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Dec 8, 2016 at 4:39 PM, Michael Paquier
>>> <michael.paqu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Dec 8, 2016 at 9:07 AM, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> You could do that, but first I would code up the simplest, cleanest
>>>>> algorithm you can think of and see if it even shows up in a 'perf'
>>>>> profile.  Microbenchmarking is probably overkill here unless a problem
>>>>> is visible on macrobenchmarks.
>>>> This is what I would go for! The current code is doing a simple thing:
>>>> select the Nth element using qsort() after scanning each WAL sender's
>>>> values. And I think that Sawada-san got it right. Even running on my
>>>> laptop a pgbench run with 10 sync standbys using a data set that fits
>>>> into memory, SyncRepGetOldestSyncRecPtr gets at most 0.04% of overhead
>>>> using perf top on a non-assert, non-debug build. Hash tables and
>>>> allocations get a far larger share. Using the patch,
>>>> SyncRepGetSyncRecPtr is at the same level with a quorum set of 10
>>>> nodes. Let's kick the ball for now. An extra patch could make things
>>>> better later on if that's worth it.
>>> Yeah, since the both K and N could be not large these algorithm takes
>>> almost the same time. And current patch does simple thing. When we
>>> need over 100 or 1000 replication node the optimization could be
>>> required.
>>> Attached latest v9 patch.
>> Few comments:
> Thank you for reviewing.
>> + * In 10.0 we support two synchronization methods, priority and
>> + * quorum. The number of synchronous standbys that transactions
>> + * must wait for replies from and synchronization method are specified
>> + * in synchronous_standby_names. This parameter also specifies a list
>> + * of standby names, which determines the priority of each standby for
>> + * being chosen as a synchronous standby. In priority method, the standbys
>> + * whose names appear earlier in the list are given higher priority
>> + * and will be considered as synchronous. Other standby servers appearing
>> + * later in this list represent potential synchronous standbys. If any of
>> + * the current synchronous standbys disconnects for whatever reason,
>> + * it will be replaced immediately with the next-highest-priority standby.
>> + * In quorum method, the all standbys appearing in the list are
>> + * considered as a candidate for quorum commit.
>> In the above description, is priority method represented by FIRST and
>> quorum method by ANY in the synchronous_standby_names syntax?  If so,
>> it might be better to write about it explicitly.
> Added description.
>> 2.
>>  --- a/src/backend/utils/sort/tuplesort.c
>> +++ b/src/backend/utils/sort/tuplesort.c
>> @@ -2637,16 +2637,8 @@ mergeruns(Tuplesortstate *state)
>>   }
>>   /*
>> - * Allocate a new 'memtuples' array, for the heap.  It will hold one tuple
>> - * from each input tape.
>> - */
>> - state->memtupsize = numInputTapes;
>> - state->memtuples = (SortTuple *) palloc(numInputTapes * sizeof(SortTuple));
>> - USEMEM(state, GetMemoryChunkSpace(state->memtuples));
>> -
>> - /*
>> - * Use all the remaining memory we have available for read buffers among
>> - * the input tapes.
>> + * Use all the spare memory we have available for read buffers among the
>> + * input tapes.
>> This doesn't belong to this patch.
> Oops, fixed.
>> 3.
>> + * Return the list of sync standbys using according to synchronous method,
>> In above sentence, "using according" seems to either incomplete or wrong 
>> usage.
> Fixed.
>> 4.
>> + else
>> + ereport(ERROR,
>> + "invalid synchronization method is specified \"%d\"",
>> + SyncRepConfig->sync_method));
>> Here, the error message doesn't seem to aligned and you might want to
>> use errmsg for the same.
> Fixed.
>> 5.
>> + * In priority method, we need the oldest these positions among sync
>> + * standbys. In quorum method, we need the newest these positions
>> + * specified by SyncRepConfig->num_sync.
>> /oldest these/oldest of these
>> /newest these positions specified/newest of these positions as specified
> Fixed.
>> Instead of newest, can we consider to use latest?
> Yeah, I changed it so.
>> 6.
>> + int sync_method; /* synchronization method */
>>   /* member_names contains nmembers consecutive nul-terminated C strings */
>>   char member_names[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];
>>  } SyncRepConfigData;
>> Can't we use 1 or 2 bytes to store sync_method information?
> I changed it to uint8.
> Attached latest v10 patch incorporated the review comments so far.
> Please review it.

Thanks for updating the patch!

Do we need to update postgresql.conf.sample?

+{any_ident}    {
+                yylval.str = pstrdup(yytext);
+                return ANY;
+        }
+{first_ident}    {
+                yylval.str = pstrdup(yytext);
+                return FIRST;
+        }

Why is pstrdup(yytext) necessary here?

+        standby_list                        { $$ =
create_syncrep_config("1", $1, SYNC_REP_PRIORITY); }
+        | NUM '(' standby_list ')'            { $$ =
create_syncrep_config($1, $3, SYNC_REP_QUORUM); }
+        | ANY NUM '(' standby_list ')'        { $$ =
create_syncrep_config($2, $4, SYNC_REP_QUORUM); }
+        | FIRST NUM '(' standby_list ')'    { $$ =
create_syncrep_config($2, $4, SYNC_REP_PRIORITY); }

Isn't this "partial" backward-compatibility (i.e., "NUM (list)" works
differently from curent version while "list" works in the same way as
current one) very confusing?

I prefer to either of

1. break the backward-compatibility, i.e., treat the first syntax of
    "standby_list" as quorum commit
2. keep the backward-compatibility, i.e., treat the second syntax of
    "NUM (standby_list)" as sync rep with the priority

+        <literal>pg_stat_replication</></link> view). If the keyword
+        <literal>FIRST</> is specified, other standby servers appearing
+        later in this list represent potential synchronous standbys.
+        If any of the current synchronous standbys disconnects for
+        whatever reason, it will be replaced immediately with the
+        next-highest-priority standby. Specifying more than one standby
+        name can allow very high availability.

It seems strange to explain the behavior of FIRST before explaining
the syntax of synchronous_standby_names and FIRST.


Fujii Masao

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