On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 9:25 PM, Michael Paquier
<michael.paqu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 10:52 PM, Kuntal Ghosh
> <kuntalghosh.2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 3:42 PM, Michael Paquier
>> <michael.paqu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Nah. Looking at the code the fix is quite obvious.
>>> heap_create_init_fork() is checking for XLogIsNeeded() to decide if
>>> the INIT forknum should be logged or not. But this is wrong, it needs
>>> to be done unconditionally to ensure that the relation gets created at
>>> replay.
>> I think that we should also update other *buildempty() functions as well.
>> For example, if the table has a primary key, we'll encounter the error again
>> for btree index.
> Good point. I just had a look at all the AMs: bloom, btree and SP-gist
> are plainly broken. The others are fine. Attached is an updated patch.
> Here are the tests I have done with wal_level = minimal to test all the AMs:
> \! rm -rf /Users/mpaquier/Desktop/tbsp/PG*
> create extension bloom;
> create extension btree_gist;
> create extension btree_gin;
> create tablespace popo location '/Users/mpaquier/Desktop/tbsp';
> set default_tablespace = popo;
> create unlogged table foo (a int);
> insert into foo values (generate_series(1,10000));
> create index foo_bt on foo(a);
> create index foo_bloom on foo using bloom(a);
> create index foo_gin on foo using gin (a);
> create index foo_gist on foo using gist (a);
> create index foo_brin on foo using brin (a);
> create unlogged table foo_geo (a box);
> insert into foo_geo values ('(1,2),(2,3)');
> create index foo_spgist ON foo_geo using spgist(a);
> -- crash PG
> -- Insert some data
> insert into foo values (1000000);
> insert into foo_geo values ('(50,12),(312,3)');
> This should create 8 INIT forks, 6 for the indexes and 2 for the
> tables. On HEAD, only 3 are getting created and with the patch all of
> them are.

The header comment for heap_create_init_fork() says this:

 * Set up an init fork for an unlogged table so that it can be correctly
 * reinitialized on restart.  Since we're going to do an immediate sync, we
 * only need to xlog this if archiving or streaming is enabled.  And the
 * immediate sync is required, because otherwise there's no guarantee that
 * this will hit the disk before the next checkpoint moves the redo pointer.

Your patch causes the code not to match the comment any more.  And the
comment explains why at the time I wrote this code I thought it was OK
to have the XLogIsNeeded() test in there, so it clearly needs

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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