I looked into this complaint:
which boils down to array_append being a lot slower in 9.5 & up than it
was before.  Now, using array_append as an aggregate transfn has never
been a very good idea, because it's inherently O(N^2) in the number of
input rows.  But the constant factor is something like 15x worse as of
9.5.  For example you can try this simple case:

create aggregate adims(anyelement)
( sfunc = array_append,
  stype = anyarray,
  finalfunc = array_dims

In 9.4 I get times like this:

regression=# select adims(x) from generate_series(1,1000) x;
Time: 3.176 ms
regression=# select adims(x) from generate_series(1,10000) x;
Time: 62.792 ms
regression=# select adims(x) from generate_series(1,100000) x;
Time: 7318.999 ms

but 9.5 does this:

regression=# select adims(x) from generate_series(1,1000) x;
Time: 17.532 ms
regression=# select adims(x) from generate_series(1,10000) x;
Time: 1146.686 ms
regression=# select adims(x) from generate_series(1,100000) x;
Time: 113892.993 ms

For comparison, the nominally equivalent array_agg() is much faster,
giving roughly linear performance in either 9.4 or 9.5:

regression=# select array_dims(array_agg(x)) from generate_series(1,1000) x;
Time: 2.197 ms
regression=# select array_dims(array_agg(x)) from generate_series(1,10000) x;
Time: 6.353 ms
regression=# select array_dims(array_agg(x)) from generate_series(1,100000) x;
Time: 53.198 ms

The reason for the slowdown is that in 9.5, array_append prefers to work
on "expanded arrays", and we're converting back and forth between expanded
and flat array datums at each row of the aggregation.  Ick.

We knew that the expanded-array patch would be giving up performance in
some cases to win it in others, but it'd be nice if it weren't giving up
this much in a case that users actually care about.

If we could tell people not to use array_append as a transition function,
then maybe we would not have to solve this, but array_agg_transfn isn't
a very plausible solution for user-defined aggregates because of its
non-type-safe use of an "internal"-type transvalue.  That means you need
superuser privileges to create the aggregate, and you can't code your
final-function in a PL language.

I thought about various ways that we might fix this, but they all have
disadvantages of one sort or another:

1. We could add a code path in array_append that does it the old way
if it's being called as an aggregate function.  This would get us back
to 9.4-ish performance for this case ... not that that's very good.

2. We could teach nodeAgg.c to deal with expanded-object datums
explicitly, in more or less the same way that plpgsql deals with expanded
values in plpgsql variables.  I made a draft patch for this (attached),
and find that it puts this user-defined aggregate on par with array_agg
speed-wise.  But I'm not too happy with it because it adds some cycles to
advance_transition_function() whether or not we're actually dealing with
an expanded object.  We already know that adding even one instruction
there can make for measurable slowdown.  (The draft patch leaves some
things on the table there, in particular we could arrange not to call
MakeExpandedObjectReadOnly if the transvalue isn't of varlena type;
but there's still going to be some added overhead.)  Another problem
with this approach is that in hashed aggregation, an expanded object
per group might eat more storage than you'd like.  We had to teach
array_agg_transfn not to use a separate memory context per aggregation
value, and that issue would come up here too.  Lastly, the draft patch
hard-wires the optimization to be available only to array_append and
array_prepend.  That's the same as what we did in plpgsql, but it wasn't
very nice there and it's not nice here either.

3. We could try to fix it mostly from array_append's side, by teaching it
to return the expanded array in the aggregation context when it's being
called as an aggregate function, and making some
hopefully-not-performance-killing tweaks to nodeAgg to play along with
that.  This would amount to additional complication in the API contract
for C-coded aggregate functions, but I think it wouldn't affect functions
that weren't attempting to invoke the optimization, so it should be OK.
A larger objection is that it still doesn't do anything for the memory
consumption angle.

I have some other ideas about things we could do going forward, but they
don't seem likely to lead to back-patchable fixes.  The memory consumption
problem could be dealt with if we allowed expanded objects to sometimes
not have their own context, but that would involve API changes for
expanded objects.  And I'm wondering whether, if we did fix all this,
we could get rid of ArrayBuildState entirely in favor of making the
functions that use that build an expanded array directly.  And maybe
we could get rid of array_agg_transfn in favor of using array_append,
eliminating the need for a non-type-safe solution there.

Comments, better ideas?

                        regards, tom lane

PS: note this draft patch doesn't touch nodeWindowAgg.c, but that would
presumably need changes parallel to whatever we do in nodeAgg.c.

diff --git a/src/backend/executor/nodeAgg.c b/src/backend/executor/nodeAgg.c
index b06e1c1..8c74781 100644
*** a/src/backend/executor/nodeAgg.c
--- b/src/backend/executor/nodeAgg.c
*** 164,169 ****
--- 164,170 ----
  #include "parser/parse_coerce.h"
  #include "utils/acl.h"
  #include "utils/builtins.h"
+ #include "utils/fmgroids.h"
  #include "utils/lsyscache.h"
  #include "utils/memutils.h"
  #include "utils/syscache.h"
*************** typedef struct AggStatePerTransData
*** 288,293 ****
--- 289,300 ----
+ 	 * This flag says whether we trust the transfn with a read-write pointer
+ 	 * to a transition value that is an expanded object.
+ 	 */
+ 	bool		transfnAllowRW;
+ 	/*
  	 * Stuff for evaluation of inputs.  We used to just use ExecEvalExpr, but
  	 * with the addition of ORDER BY we now need at least a slot for passing
  	 * data to the sort object, which requires a tupledesc, so we might as
*************** advance_transition_function(AggState *ag
*** 752,760 ****
  			oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(
! 			pergroupstate->transValue = datumCopy(fcinfo->arg[1],
! 												  pertrans->transtypeByVal,
! 												  pertrans->transtypeLen);
  			pergroupstate->transValueIsNull = false;
  			pergroupstate->noTransValue = false;
--- 759,767 ----
  			oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(
! 			pergroupstate->transValue = datumTransfer(fcinfo->arg[1],
! 													pertrans->transtypeByVal,
! 													  pertrans->transtypeLen);
  			pergroupstate->transValueIsNull = false;
  			pergroupstate->noTransValue = false;
*************** advance_transition_function(AggState *ag
*** 781,787 ****
  	 * OK to call the transition function
! 	fcinfo->arg[0] = pergroupstate->transValue;
  	fcinfo->argnull[0] = pergroupstate->transValueIsNull;
  	fcinfo->isnull = false;		/* just in case transfn doesn't set it */
--- 788,799 ----
  	 * OK to call the transition function
! 	if (pertrans->transfnAllowRW)
! 		fcinfo->arg[0] = pergroupstate->transValue;
! 	else
! 		fcinfo->arg[0] = MakeExpandedObjectReadOnly(pergroupstate->transValue,
! 											 pergroupstate->transValueIsNull,
! 													pertrans->transtypeLen);
  	fcinfo->argnull[0] = pergroupstate->transValueIsNull;
  	fcinfo->isnull = false;		/* just in case transfn doesn't set it */
*************** advance_transition_function(AggState *ag
*** 800,811 ****
  		if (!fcinfo->isnull)
! 			newVal = datumCopy(newVal,
! 							   pertrans->transtypeByVal,
! 							   pertrans->transtypeLen);
  		if (!pergroupstate->transValueIsNull)
! 			pfree(DatumGetPointer(pergroupstate->transValue));
  	pergroupstate->transValue = newVal;
--- 812,830 ----
  		if (!fcinfo->isnull)
! 			newVal = datumTransfer(newVal,
! 								   pertrans->transtypeByVal,
! 								   pertrans->transtypeLen);
  		if (!pergroupstate->transValueIsNull)
! 		{
! 			if (DatumIsReadWriteExpandedObject(pergroupstate->transValue,
! 											   false,
! 											   pertrans->transtypeLen))
! 				DeleteExpandedObject(pergroupstate->transValue);
! 			else
! 				pfree(DatumGetPointer(pergroupstate->transValue));
! 		}
  	pergroupstate->transValue = newVal;
*************** advance_combine_function(AggState *aggst
*** 1020,1028 ****
  				oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(
! 				pergroupstate->transValue = datumCopy(fcinfo->arg[1],
! 													  pertrans->transtypeLen);
--- 1039,1047 ----
  				oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(
! 				pergroupstate->transValue = datumTransfer(fcinfo->arg[1],
! 													 pertrans->transtypeLen);
*************** advance_combine_function(AggState *aggst
*** 1043,1049 ****
  	 * OK to call the combine function
! 	fcinfo->arg[0] = pergroupstate->transValue;
  	fcinfo->argnull[0] = pergroupstate->transValueIsNull;
  	fcinfo->isnull = false;		/* just in case combine func doesn't set it */
--- 1062,1073 ----
  	 * OK to call the combine function
! 	if (pertrans->transfnAllowRW)
! 		fcinfo->arg[0] = pergroupstate->transValue;
! 	else
! 		fcinfo->arg[0] = MakeExpandedObjectReadOnly(pergroupstate->transValue,
! 											 pergroupstate->transValueIsNull,
! 													pertrans->transtypeLen);
  	fcinfo->argnull[0] = pergroupstate->transValueIsNull;
  	fcinfo->isnull = false;		/* just in case combine func doesn't set it */
*************** advance_combine_function(AggState *aggst
*** 1062,1073 ****
  		if (!fcinfo->isnull)
! 			newVal = datumCopy(newVal,
! 							   pertrans->transtypeByVal,
! 							   pertrans->transtypeLen);
  		if (!pergroupstate->transValueIsNull)
! 			pfree(DatumGetPointer(pergroupstate->transValue));
  	pergroupstate->transValue = newVal;
--- 1086,1104 ----
  		if (!fcinfo->isnull)
! 			newVal = datumTransfer(newVal,
! 								   pertrans->transtypeByVal,
! 								   pertrans->transtypeLen);
  		if (!pergroupstate->transValueIsNull)
! 		{
! 			if (DatumIsReadWriteExpandedObject(pergroupstate->transValue,
! 											   false,
! 											   pertrans->transtypeLen))
! 				DeleteExpandedObject(pergroupstate->transValue);
! 			else
! 				pfree(DatumGetPointer(pergroupstate->transValue));
! 		}
  	pergroupstate->transValue = newVal;
*************** finalize_aggregate(AggState *aggstate,
*** 1333,1339 ****
  								 (void *) aggstate, NULL);
  		/* Fill in the transition state value */
! 		fcinfo.arg[0] = pergroupstate->transValue;
  		fcinfo.argnull[0] = pergroupstate->transValueIsNull;
  		anynull |= pergroupstate->transValueIsNull;
--- 1364,1372 ----
  								 (void *) aggstate, NULL);
  		/* Fill in the transition state value */
! 		fcinfo.arg[0] = MakeExpandedObjectReadOnly(pergroupstate->transValue,
! 											 pergroupstate->transValueIsNull,
! 												   pertrans->transtypeLen);
  		fcinfo.argnull[0] = pergroupstate->transValueIsNull;
  		anynull |= pergroupstate->transValueIsNull;
*************** finalize_aggregate(AggState *aggstate,
*** 1360,1366 ****
! 		*resultVal = pergroupstate->transValue;
  		*resultIsNull = pergroupstate->transValueIsNull;
--- 1393,1401 ----
! 		*resultVal = MakeExpandedObjectReadOnly(pergroupstate->transValue,
! 											 pergroupstate->transValueIsNull,
! 												pertrans->transtypeLen);
  		*resultIsNull = pergroupstate->transValueIsNull;
*************** finalize_partialaggregate(AggState *aggs
*** 1410,1416 ****
  			FunctionCallInfo fcinfo = &pertrans->serialfn_fcinfo;
! 			fcinfo->arg[0] = pergroupstate->transValue;
  			fcinfo->argnull[0] = pergroupstate->transValueIsNull;
  			*resultVal = FunctionCallInvoke(fcinfo);
--- 1445,1453 ----
  			FunctionCallInfo fcinfo = &pertrans->serialfn_fcinfo;
! 			fcinfo->arg[0] = MakeExpandedObjectReadOnly(pergroupstate->transValue,
! 											 pergroupstate->transValueIsNull,
! 													 pertrans->transtypeLen);
  			fcinfo->argnull[0] = pergroupstate->transValueIsNull;
  			*resultVal = FunctionCallInvoke(fcinfo);
*************** finalize_partialaggregate(AggState *aggs
*** 1419,1425 ****
! 		*resultVal = pergroupstate->transValue;
  		*resultIsNull = pergroupstate->transValueIsNull;
--- 1456,1464 ----
! 		*resultVal = MakeExpandedObjectReadOnly(pergroupstate->transValue,
! 											 pergroupstate->transValueIsNull,
! 												pertrans->transtypeLen);
  		*resultIsNull = pergroupstate->transValueIsNull;
*************** build_pertrans_for_aggref(AggStatePerTra
*** 3029,3034 ****
--- 3068,3077 ----
+ 	/* detect whether we'd like to pass read/write expanded pointers */
+ 	pertrans->transfnAllowRW = (aggtransfn == F_ARRAY_APPEND ||
+ 								aggtransfn == F_ARRAY_PREPEND);
  	if (OidIsValid(aggserialfn))
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