I hadn't considered the needs of RecordAndGetFreeSpace. It is called so much more than MultiRecordFreeSpace that it make much better sense to optimize it, and hence organize the page information by BlockNumber.Stephen Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:2. The histogram concept is a neat idea, but I think some reorganization of the page information might make it unnecessary. Currently the FSM pages are sorted by BlockNumber. This was particularly useful for adding information about a single page, but since that interface is no longer to be supported, perhaps the decision to sort by BlockNumber should also be revisited.I was thinking about that, but we do still need to handle RecordAndGetFreeSpace --- in fact that should be the most common operation. The histogram approximation seems an okay price to pay for not slowing down RecordAndGetFreeSpace. If you wanted to depend on the ordering-by-free-space property to any large extent, RecordAndGetFreeSpace would actually have to move the old page down in the list after adjusting its free space :-(
I think you just sold me on the histogram idea :) but I still have some thoughts about its behavior in the oversubscribed state.
If I understand the concept correctly, the histogram will only be calculated when MultiRecordFreeSpace is called AND the FSM is oversubscribed. However, when it is called, we will need to calculate a histogram for, and potentially trim data from, all relations that have entries in the FSM.
When vacuuming the entire database, we will end up with an N-squared loop where we iterate over all the relations in vacuum, and iterate over them again in each call to MultiRecordFreeSpace that occurs within each vacuum. If each relation consistantly requests the storage of the same amount of page info during each vacuum, the extra work of this N-squared loop will probably disappear after the system settles into an equilibrium, but inconsistant requests could cause more oscillations in the free space adjustment.
Do I understand how this will work properly, or did I miss something?
In any event, I don't really think this is a problem, just something to pay attention to. It also highlights the need to make the histogram calculation and free space adjustment as efficient as possible.
By-the-way, I think your other suggestions are great (e.g. changes to the public API, maintaining more internal statics, reporting more info in VACUUM VERBOSE, ensuring that a minimum amout of freespace info is retained for all relations). I think this will be a nice improvement to how postgres reclaims disk space.