On Sat, Aug 20, 2016 at 9:46 AM, Craig Ringer <cr...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> Ahem. Forgot to squash in a fixup commit. Updated patch of
> txid_status(bigint) attachd.
> A related patch follows, adding a new txid_current_ifassigned(bigint)
> function as suggested by Jim Nasby. It's usefully connected to txid_status()
> and might as well be added at the same time.
> Since it builds on the same history I've also attached an updated version of
> txid_recent(bigint) now called txid_convert_ifrecent(bigint), per the
> above-linked thread.
> Finally, and not intended for commit, is a useful test function I wrote to
> cause extremely rapid xid wraparound, bundled up into a src/test/regress
> test case. txid_incinerate() can jump the server about UINT32/2 xids in ~2
> seconds if fsync is off, making it handy for testing.  Posting so others can
> use it for their own test needs later and because it's useful for testing
> these patches that touch on the xid epoch.

I think you should use underscores to separate all of the words
instead of only some of them.

Also, note that the corresponding internal function is
GetTopTransactionIdIfAny(), which might suggest txid_current_if_any()
rather than txid_current_if_assigned(), but you could argue that your
naming is better...

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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