OK, this is the problem:

I want to write a bit of SQL that if a row exists in a table, then update
it, otherwise it will update it.  Problem is, there is a very high chance of
simultaneous execute of this query on the same row (the rows have a unique

So, strategy one:

update row;
if (no rows affected) insert row;

Problem - race condition!  If the two transactions run at the same time, the
second will end up doing an insert on a unique row which will cause query

Strategy two:

select row for update;
if (row returned) update;
else insert;

Problem - race condition.  The row-level locking doesn't allow me to lock
'potential rows', so if the row does not yet exists and two transactions run
simultaneously then the second with die with a unique violation;

Strategy three:

lock table in exclusive mode;
update row;
if (no rows affected) insert row;

Problem - Works, but this table needs high concurrency.  Every time a member
hits a page of the site that needs authentication, this function is called.
In particular, the login transaction can take a little time sometimes and we
can't halt everyone else's activites for that duration...

So what is the solution???

I'm not sure if acquiring a ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE lock will help at all.  Also,
I can't try the insert and then the update because the INSERT, in Postgres,
will cause an outright transaction failure.

What the heck is the solution??


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