Fabien COELHO <coe...@cri.ensmp.fr> writes:
> Sending a batch of requests is a feature of libpq which is accessible 
> through pgbench by using "\;", although the fact is not documented. It 
> makes sense for a client to send independent queries together so as to 
> reduce latency.

You're putting an awful lot of weight on an unsupported assertion about
latency.  If a user cares about that, why would she not simply merge the
commands into "SELECT 1, 2, 3 \into one two three" ?

And I still say that what you're proposing might be easy right now, but
it might also be next door to impossible in a refactored implementation.
I don't think we should go there on the basis of a weak argument about
latency.  \into should retrieve data only from the last PGresult.

                        regards, tom lane

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