On 20 June 2016 at 19:06, David Rowley <david.row...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> On 18 June 2016 at 05:45, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
>> A possible solution is to give deserialize an extra dummy argument, along
>> the lines of "deserialize(bytea, internal) returns internal", thereby
>> ensuring it can't be called in any non-system-originated contexts.  This
>> is still rather dangerous if the other argument is variable, as somebody
>> might be able to abuse an internal-taking function by naming it as the
>> deserialize function for a maliciously-designed aggregate.  What I'm
>> inclined to do to lock it down further is to drop the "serialtype"
>> argument to CREATE AGGREGATE, which seems rather pointless (what else
>> would you ever use besides bytea?).  Instead, insist that
>> serialize/deserialize apply *only* when the transtype is INTERNAL, and
>> their signatures are exactly "serialize(internal) returns bytea" and
>> "deserialize(bytea, internal) returns internal", never anything else.
> This is also the only way that I can think of to fix this issue. If we
> can agree that the fix should be to insist that the deserialisation
> function take an additional 2nd parameter of INTERNAL, then I can
> write a patch to fix this, and include a patch for the document
> section 35.10 to explain better about parallelising user defined
> aggregates.

I've gone and implemented the dummy argument approach for
deserialization functions.

If we go with this, I can then write the docs for 35.10 which'll serve
to explain parallel user defined aggregates in detail.

Some notes about the patch;

I didn't remove the comments at the top of each deserial function
which mention something like:

 * numeric_avg_serialize(numeric_avg_deserialize(bytea)) must result in a value
 * which matches the original bytea value.

I'm thinking that perhaps these now make a little less sense, given
that numeric_avg_deserialize is now numeric_avg_deserialize(bytea,

Perhaps these should be updated or removed.

 David Rowley                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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