On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 12:10 PM, Vitaly Burovoy
<vitaly.buro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In the initial letter[1] I posted a digest from the SQL-2011 standard
> and a conclusion as a design of a new patch.
> Now I have more free time and I'm hacking it that way. The new patch
> is at the very early stage, full of WIPs and TODOs. I hope it'll be
> ready to be shown in a month (may be two).

I have just read both your patch and the one of Alvaro, but yours does
not touch pg_constraint in any way. Isn't that unexpected?

> But it already forbids dropping NOT NULLs if they were set as result
> of inheritance.

Okay, I'll drop any proposal on my side in this case. Looking forward
to seeing what you got for the first commit fest of 10.0.

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