I noticed that this new feature in PL/Python gratuitously uses slightly different keyword names than the C and PL/pgSQL APIs, e.g. "schema" instead of "schema_name" etc. I propose to fix that with the attached patch.

Peter Eisentraut              http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services
From 1622e74f695fbcee4d9ade1c8736001d3adc6b64 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Peter Eisentraut <pete...@gmx.net>
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2016 14:38:20 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] PL/Python: Rename new keyword arguments of plpy.error() etc.

Rename schema -> schema_name etc. to remaining consistent with C API and
 doc/src/sgml/plpython.sgml                    |  6 +--
 src/pl/plpython/expected/plpython_ereport.out | 66 ++++++++++++-------------
 src/pl/plpython/plpy_plpymodule.c             | 70 +++++++++++++--------------
 src/pl/plpython/sql/plpython_ereport.sql      | 62 ++++++++++++------------
 4 files changed, 102 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/plpython.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/plpython.sgml
index cff66a2..abc11a9 100644
--- a/doc/src/sgml/plpython.sgml
+++ b/doc/src/sgml/plpython.sgml
@@ -1374,9 +1374,9 @@ <title>Utility Functions</title>
    The following keyword-only arguments are accepted:
    <replaceable>detail</replaceable>, <replaceable>hint</replaceable>,
-   <replaceable>sqlstate</replaceable>, <replaceable>schema</replaceable>,
-   <replaceable>table</replaceable>, <replaceable>column</replaceable>,
-   <replaceable>datatype</replaceable> , <replaceable>constraint</replaceable>
+   <replaceable>sqlstate</replaceable>, <replaceable>schema_name</replaceable>,
+   <replaceable>table_name</replaceable>, 
+   <replaceable>datatype_name</replaceable> , 
    The string representation of the objects passed as keyword-only arguments
    is used to enrich the messages reported to the client. For example:
diff --git a/src/pl/plpython/expected/plpython_ereport.out 
index 8a6dfe4..e32b672 100644
--- a/src/pl/plpython/expected/plpython_ereport.out
+++ b/src/pl/plpython/expected/plpython_ereport.out
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ plpy.info('This is message text.',
                     detail = 'This is detail text',
                     hint = 'This is hint text.',
                     sqlstate = 'XX000',
-                    schema = 'any info about schema',
-                    table = 'any info about table',
-                    column = 'any info about column',
-                    datatype = 'any info about datatype',
-                    constraint = 'any info about constraint')
+                    schema_name = 'any info about schema',
+                    table_name = 'any info about table',
+                    column_name = 'any info about column',
+                    datatype_name = 'any info about datatype',
+                    constraint_name = 'any info about constraint')
 plpy.notice('notice', detail = 'some detail')
 plpy.warning('warning', detail = 'some detail')
 plpy.error('stop on error', detail = 'some detail', hint = 'some hint')
@@ -70,12 +70,12 @@ CONTEXT:  PL/Python anonymous code block
 -- raise exception in python, handle exception in plgsql
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION raise_exception(_message text, _detail text DEFAULT 
NULL, _hint text DEFAULT NULL,
                                                _sqlstate text DEFAULT NULL,
-                                               _schema text DEFAULT NULL, 
_table text DEFAULT NULL, _column text DEFAULT NULL,
-                                               _datatype text DEFAULT NULL, 
_constraint text DEFAULT NULL)
+                                               _schema_name text DEFAULT NULL, 
_table_name text DEFAULT NULL, _column_name text DEFAULT NULL,
+                                               _datatype_name text DEFAULT 
NULL, _constraint_name text DEFAULT NULL)
 RETURNS void AS $$
 kwargs = { "message":_message, "detail":_detail, "hint":_hint,
-                       "sqlstate":_sqlstate, "schema":_schema, "table":_table,
-                       "column":_column, "datatype":_datatype, 
"constraint":_constraint }
+                       "sqlstate":_sqlstate, "schema_name":_schema_name, 
+                       "column_name":_column_name, 
"datatype_name":_datatype_name, "constraint_name":_constraint_name }
 # ignore None values - should work on Python2.3
 dict = {}
 for k in kwargs:
@@ -101,11 +101,11 @@ SELECT raise_exception(_message => 'message text',
                                                _detail => 'detail text',
                                                _hint => 'hint text',
                                                _sqlstate => 'XX555',
-                                               _schema => 'schema text',
-                                               _table => 'table text',
-                                               _column => 'column text',
-                                               _datatype => 'datatype text',
-                                               _constraint => 'constraint 
+                                               _schema_name => 'schema text',
+                                               _table_name => 'table text',
+                                               _column_name => 'column text',
+                                               _datatype_name => 'datatype 
+                                               _constraint_name => 'constraint 
 ERROR:  plpy.Error: message text
 DETAIL:  detail text
 HINT:  hint text
@@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ CONTEXT:  Traceback (most recent call last):
 PL/Python function "raise_exception"
 SELECT raise_exception(_message => 'message text',
                                                _hint => 'hint text',
-                                               _schema => 'schema text',
-                                               _column => 'column text',
-                                               _constraint => 'constraint 
+                                               _schema_name => 'schema text',
+                                               _column_name => 'column text',
+                                               _constraint_name => 'constraint 
 ERROR:  plpy.Error: message text
 HINT:  hint text
 CONTEXT:  Traceback (most recent call last):
@@ -133,19 +133,19 @@ DECLARE
   __schema_name text;
   __table_name text;
   __column_name text;
-  __datatype text;
-  __constraint text;
+  __datatype_name text;
+  __constraint_name text;
     PERFORM raise_exception(_message => 'message text',
                             _detail => 'detail text',
                             _hint => 'hint text',
                             _sqlstate => 'XX555',
-                            _schema => 'schema text',
-                            _table => 'table text',
-                            _column => 'column text',
-                            _datatype => 'datatype text',
-                            _constraint => 'constraint text');
+                            _schema_name => 'schema text',
+                            _table_name => 'table text',
+                            _column_name => 'column text',
+                            _datatype_name => 'datatype text',
+                            _constraint_name => 'constraint text');
                             __detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL,
@@ -154,24 +154,24 @@ BEGIN
                             __schema_name = SCHEMA_NAME,
                             __table_name = TABLE_NAME,
                             __column_name = COLUMN_NAME,
-                            __datatype = PG_DATATYPE_NAME,
-                            __constraint = CONSTRAINT_NAME;
+                            __datatype_name = PG_DATATYPE_NAME,
+                            __constraint_name = CONSTRAINT_NAME;
     RAISE NOTICE 'handled exception'
        USING DETAIL = format('message:(%s), detail:(%s), hint: (%s), sqlstate: 
(%s), '
-                             'schema:(%s), table:(%s), column:(%s), 
datatype:(%s), constraint:(%s)',
+                             'schema_name:(%s), table_name:(%s), 
column_name:(%s), datatype_name:(%s), constraint_name:(%s)',
                              __message, __detail, __hint, __sqlstate, 
-                             __table_name, __column_name, __datatype, 
+                             __table_name, __column_name, __datatype_name, 
 NOTICE:  handled exception
-DETAIL:  message:(plpy.Error: message text), detail:(detail text), hint: (hint 
text), sqlstate: (XX555), schema:(schema text), table:(table text), 
column:(column text), datatype:(datatype text), constraint:(constraint text)
+DETAIL:  message:(plpy.Error: message text), detail:(detail text), hint: (hint 
text), sqlstate: (XX555), schema_name:(schema text), table_name:(table text), 
column_name:(column text), datatype_name:(datatype text), 
constraint_name:(constraint text)
 -- the displayed context is different between Python2 and Python3,
 -- but that's not important for this test
 \set SHOW_CONTEXT never
 do $$
-       plpy.execute("select raise_exception(_message => 'my message', 
_sqlstate => 'XX987', _hint => 'some hint', _table=> 'users_tab', _datatype => 
+       plpy.execute("select raise_exception(_message => 'my message', 
_sqlstate => 'XX987', _hint => 'some hint', _table_name => 'users_tab', 
_datatype_name => 'user_type')")
 except Exception, e:
        raise e
@@ -181,11 +181,11 @@ ERROR:  plpy.SPIError: plpy.Error: my message
 HINT:  some hint
 do $$
-  plpy.error(message  = 'my message', sqlstate = 'XX987', hint = 'some hint', 
table = 'users_tab', datatype = 'user_type')
+  plpy.error(message  = 'my message', sqlstate = 'XX987', hint = 'some hint', 
table_name = 'users_tab', datatype_name = 'user_type')
 except Exception, e:
-  plpy.info('sqlstate: %s, hint: %s, tablename: %s, datatype: %s' % 
(e.sqlstate, e.hint, e.table_name, e.datatype_name))
+  plpy.info('sqlstate: %s, hint: %s, table_name: %s, datatype_name: %s' % 
(e.sqlstate, e.hint, e.table_name, e.datatype_name))
   raise e
 $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
-INFO:  sqlstate: XX987, hint: some hint, tablename: users_tab, datatype: 
+INFO:  sqlstate: XX987, hint: some hint, table_name: users_tab, datatype_name: 
 ERROR:  plpy.Error: my message
 HINT:  some hint
diff --git a/src/pl/plpython/plpy_plpymodule.c 
index 9725fce..1fcb28b 100644
--- a/src/pl/plpython/plpy_plpymodule.c
+++ b/src/pl/plpython/plpy_plpymodule.c
@@ -399,11 +399,11 @@ PLy_output(volatile int level, PyObject *self, PyObject 
*args, PyObject *kw)
        char       *volatile message = NULL;
        char       *volatile detail = NULL;
        char       *volatile hint = NULL;
-       char       *volatile column = NULL;
-       char       *volatile constraint = NULL;
-       char       *volatile datatype = NULL;
-       char       *volatile table = NULL;
-       char       *volatile schema = NULL;
+       char       *volatile column_name = NULL;
+       char       *volatile constraint_name = NULL;
+       char       *volatile datatype_name = NULL;
+       char       *volatile table_name = NULL;
+       char       *volatile schema_name = NULL;
        volatile MemoryContext oldcontext;
        PyObject   *key,
@@ -456,16 +456,16 @@ PLy_output(volatile int level, PyObject *self, PyObject 
*args, PyObject *kw)
                                hint = object_to_string(value);
                        else if (strcmp(keyword, "sqlstate") == 0)
                                sqlstatestr = object_to_string(value);
-                       else if (strcmp(keyword, "schema") == 0)
-                               schema = object_to_string(value);
-                       else if (strcmp(keyword, "table") == 0)
-                               table = object_to_string(value);
-                       else if (strcmp(keyword, "column") == 0)
-                               column = object_to_string(value);
-                       else if (strcmp(keyword, "datatype") == 0)
-                               datatype = object_to_string(value);
-                       else if (strcmp(keyword, "constraint") == 0)
-                               constraint = object_to_string(value);
+                       else if (strcmp(keyword, "schema_name") == 0)
+                               schema_name = object_to_string(value);
+                       else if (strcmp(keyword, "table_name") == 0)
+                               table_name = object_to_string(value);
+                       else if (strcmp(keyword, "column_name") == 0)
+                               column_name = object_to_string(value);
+                       else if (strcmp(keyword, "datatype_name") == 0)
+                               datatype_name = object_to_string(value);
+                       else if (strcmp(keyword, "constraint_name") == 0)
+                               constraint_name = object_to_string(value);
                                PLy_elog(ERROR, "'%s' is an invalid keyword 
argument for this function",
@@ -496,32 +496,32 @@ PLy_output(volatile int level, PyObject *self, PyObject 
*args, PyObject *kw)
                        pg_verifymbstr(detail, strlen(detail), false);
                if (hint != NULL)
                        pg_verifymbstr(hint, strlen(hint), false);
-               if (schema != NULL)
-                       pg_verifymbstr(schema, strlen(schema), false);
-               if (table != NULL)
-                       pg_verifymbstr(table, strlen(table), false);
-               if (column != NULL)
-                       pg_verifymbstr(column, strlen(column), false);
-               if (datatype != NULL)
-                       pg_verifymbstr(datatype, strlen(datatype), false);
-               if (constraint != NULL)
-                       pg_verifymbstr(constraint, strlen(constraint), false);
+               if (schema_name != NULL)
+                       pg_verifymbstr(schema_name, strlen(schema_name), false);
+               if (table_name != NULL)
+                       pg_verifymbstr(table_name, strlen(table_name), false);
+               if (column_name != NULL)
+                       pg_verifymbstr(column_name, strlen(column_name), false);
+               if (datatype_name != NULL)
+                       pg_verifymbstr(datatype_name, strlen(datatype_name), 
+               if (constraint_name != NULL)
+                       pg_verifymbstr(constraint_name, 
strlen(constraint_name), false);
                                ((sqlstate != 0) ? errcode(sqlstate) : 0,
                                 (message != NULL) ? errmsg_internal("%s", 
message) : 0,
                                 (detail != NULL) ? errdetail_internal("%s", 
detail) : 0,
                                 (hint != NULL) ? errhint("%s", hint) : 0,
-                                (column != NULL) ?
-                                err_generic_string(PG_DIAG_COLUMN_NAME, 
column) : 0,
-                                (constraint != NULL) ?
-                                err_generic_string(PG_DIAG_CONSTRAINT_NAME, 
constraint) : 0,
-                                (datatype != NULL) ?
-                                err_generic_string(PG_DIAG_DATATYPE_NAME, 
datatype) : 0,
-                                (table != NULL) ?
-                                err_generic_string(PG_DIAG_TABLE_NAME, table) 
: 0,
-                                (schema != NULL) ?
-                                err_generic_string(PG_DIAG_SCHEMA_NAME, 
schema) : 0));
+                                (column_name != NULL) ?
+                                err_generic_string(PG_DIAG_COLUMN_NAME, 
column_name) : 0,
+                                (constraint_name != NULL) ?
+                                err_generic_string(PG_DIAG_CONSTRAINT_NAME, 
constraint_name) : 0,
+                                (datatype_name != NULL) ?
+                                err_generic_string(PG_DIAG_DATATYPE_NAME, 
datatype_name) : 0,
+                                (table_name != NULL) ?
+                                err_generic_string(PG_DIAG_TABLE_NAME, 
table_name) : 0,
+                                (schema_name != NULL) ?
+                                err_generic_string(PG_DIAG_SCHEMA_NAME, 
schema_name) : 0));
diff --git a/src/pl/plpython/sql/plpython_ereport.sql 
index 8303e15..19b14c6 100644
--- a/src/pl/plpython/sql/plpython_ereport.sql
+++ b/src/pl/plpython/sql/plpython_ereport.sql
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ CREATE FUNCTION elog_test() RETURNS void
                     detail = 'This is detail text',
                     hint = 'This is hint text.',
                     sqlstate = 'XX000',
-                    schema = 'any info about schema',
-                    table = 'any info about table',
-                    column = 'any info about column',
-                    datatype = 'any info about datatype',
-                    constraint = 'any info about constraint')
+                    schema_name = 'any info about schema',
+                    table_name = 'any info about table',
+                    column_name = 'any info about column',
+                    datatype_name = 'any info about datatype',
+                    constraint_name = 'any info about constraint')
 plpy.notice('notice', detail = 'some detail')
 plpy.warning('warning', detail = 'some detail')
 plpy.error('stop on error', detail = 'some detail', hint = 'some hint')
@@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ CREATE FUNCTION elog_test() RETURNS void
 -- raise exception in python, handle exception in plgsql
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION raise_exception(_message text, _detail text DEFAULT 
NULL, _hint text DEFAULT NULL,
                                                _sqlstate text DEFAULT NULL,
-                                               _schema text DEFAULT NULL, 
_table text DEFAULT NULL, _column text DEFAULT NULL,
-                                               _datatype text DEFAULT NULL, 
_constraint text DEFAULT NULL)
+                                               _schema_name text DEFAULT NULL, 
_table_name text DEFAULT NULL, _column_name text DEFAULT NULL,
+                                               _datatype_name text DEFAULT 
NULL, _constraint_name text DEFAULT NULL)
 RETURNS void AS $$
 kwargs = { "message":_message, "detail":_detail, "hint":_hint,
-                       "sqlstate":_sqlstate, "schema":_schema, "table":_table,
-                       "column":_column, "datatype":_datatype, 
"constraint":_constraint }
+                       "sqlstate":_sqlstate, "schema_name":_schema_name, 
+                       "column_name":_column_name, 
"datatype_name":_datatype_name, "constraint_name":_constraint_name }
 # ignore None values - should work on Python2.3
 dict = {}
 for k in kwargs:
@@ -63,17 +63,17 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION raise_exception(_message text, 
_detail text DEFAULT N
                                                _detail => 'detail text',
                                                _hint => 'hint text',
                                                _sqlstate => 'XX555',
-                                               _schema => 'schema text',
-                                               _table => 'table text',
-                                               _column => 'column text',
-                                               _datatype => 'datatype text',
-                                               _constraint => 'constraint 
+                                               _schema_name => 'schema text',
+                                               _table_name => 'table text',
+                                               _column_name => 'column text',
+                                               _datatype_name => 'datatype 
+                                               _constraint_name => 'constraint 
 SELECT raise_exception(_message => 'message text',
                                                _hint => 'hint text',
-                                               _schema => 'schema text',
-                                               _column => 'column text',
-                                               _constraint => 'constraint 
+                                               _schema_name => 'schema text',
+                                               _column_name => 'column text',
+                                               _constraint_name => 'constraint 
 DO $$
@@ -84,19 +84,19 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION raise_exception(_message text, 
_detail text DEFAULT N
   __schema_name text;
   __table_name text;
   __column_name text;
-  __datatype text;
-  __constraint text;
+  __datatype_name text;
+  __constraint_name text;
     PERFORM raise_exception(_message => 'message text',
                             _detail => 'detail text',
                             _hint => 'hint text',
                             _sqlstate => 'XX555',
-                            _schema => 'schema text',
-                            _table => 'table text',
-                            _column => 'column text',
-                            _datatype => 'datatype text',
-                            _constraint => 'constraint text');
+                            _schema_name => 'schema text',
+                            _table_name => 'table text',
+                            _column_name => 'column text',
+                            _datatype_name => 'datatype text',
+                            _constraint_name => 'constraint text');
                             __detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL,
@@ -105,13 +105,13 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION raise_exception(_message text, 
_detail text DEFAULT N
                             __schema_name = SCHEMA_NAME,
                             __table_name = TABLE_NAME,
                             __column_name = COLUMN_NAME,
-                            __datatype = PG_DATATYPE_NAME,
-                            __constraint = CONSTRAINT_NAME;
+                            __datatype_name = PG_DATATYPE_NAME,
+                            __constraint_name = CONSTRAINT_NAME;
     RAISE NOTICE 'handled exception'
        USING DETAIL = format('message:(%s), detail:(%s), hint: (%s), sqlstate: 
(%s), '
-                             'schema:(%s), table:(%s), column:(%s), 
datatype:(%s), constraint:(%s)',
+                             'schema_name:(%s), table_name:(%s), 
column_name:(%s), datatype_name:(%s), constraint_name:(%s)',
                              __message, __detail, __hint, __sqlstate, 
-                             __table_name, __column_name, __datatype, 
+                             __table_name, __column_name, __datatype_name, 
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION raise_exception(_message text, 
_detail text DEFAULT N
 do $$
-       plpy.execute("select raise_exception(_message => 'my message', 
_sqlstate => 'XX987', _hint => 'some hint', _table=> 'users_tab', _datatype => 
+       plpy.execute("select raise_exception(_message => 'my message', 
_sqlstate => 'XX987', _hint => 'some hint', _table_name => 'users_tab', 
_datatype_name => 'user_type')")
 except Exception, e:
        raise e
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION raise_exception(_message text, 
_detail text DEFAULT N
 do $$
-  plpy.error(message  = 'my message', sqlstate = 'XX987', hint = 'some hint', 
table = 'users_tab', datatype = 'user_type')
+  plpy.error(message  = 'my message', sqlstate = 'XX987', hint = 'some hint', 
table_name = 'users_tab', datatype_name = 'user_type')
 except Exception, e:
-  plpy.info('sqlstate: %s, hint: %s, tablename: %s, datatype: %s' % 
(e.sqlstate, e.hint, e.table_name, e.datatype_name))
+  plpy.info('sqlstate: %s, hint: %s, table_name: %s, datatype_name: %s' % 
(e.sqlstate, e.hint, e.table_name, e.datatype_name))
   raise e
 $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;

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