On 05/31/2016 04:06 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
Andreas Karlsson <andr...@proxel.se> writes:
On 05/31/2016 02:37 AM, Haribabu Kommi wrote:
The % delimiter character is not only used at the end of the IPV6 address,
from the RFC document, it is possible as follows also.
we need to handle both the scenarios, it may not be a straight
forward to store the zone id data.
This case needs to be handled by the parser for at least the cidr type,
but I do not think it would make parsing any trickier.
Unless there's a semantic difference between fe80::1%2/64 and
fe80::1/64%2, this doesn't seem like a big deal to me.
As far as I can till only fe80::1%2/64 is valid, but I am not 100% sure.
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