On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 2:54 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> I spent some time trying to make a test case that was impossibly slow,
> without any really impressive result: I saw at most about a 25% growth in
> planning time, for a 27-way join with one or two foreign keys per table.
> I noted however that with a simple FROM list of tables, you don't really
> get the full force of the combinatorial explosion, because
> join_search_one_level prefers to generate left-deep trees first, and so
> the first creation of a given joinrel is always N left-side rels against 1
> right-side rel, causing the second level of looping to always iterate just
> once.  (GEQO behaves likewise, I think.)  I spent a little time trying to
> devise join order constraints that would result in a lot of high-level
> joinrels being formed with many relations on both sides, which would cause
> both of the second and third levels to iterate O(N) times not just once.
> I didn't have much luck, but I have zero confidence that our users won't
> find such cases.


> The reason it's so brute force is that it's rediscovering the same facts
> over and over.  In all simple (non-outer-join) cases, the only clauses
> that are of any interest are derived from EquivalenceClasses, and all
> that you really need to know is "are the vars mentioned on each side
> of this FK present in the same EquivalenceClass?".  ISTM that could be
> determined once per FK per query and cached in or near the EC, not
> expensively rediscovered at each level of joining.  I'm not sure whether
> it'd be worth considering non-EC-derived equalities (ie, outer join
> clauses) at all, and note that the current patch fails to do so anyway;
> see below.
> My other design-level complaint is that basing this on foreign keys is
> fundamentally the wrong thing.  What actually matters is the unique index
> underlying the FK; that is, if we have "a.x = b.y" and there's a
> compatible unique index on b.y, we can conclude that no A row will match
> more than one B row, whether or not an explicit FK relationship has been
> declared.  So we should drive this off unique indexes instead of FKs,
> first because we will find more cases, and second because the planner
> already examines indexes and doesn't need any additional catalog lookups
> to get the required data.  (IOW, the relcache additions that were made in
> this patch series should go away too.)
> Aside from the design being basically wrong, the code quality seems pretty
> low.  Aside from the missing IsA check that started this thread, I found
> the following problems in a quick once-over of 137805f89:
> Bugs in quals_match_foreign_key():
> * Test for clause->opno == fkinfo->conpfeqop[i] fails to consider
> cross-type operators, ie, what's in the clause might be int2 = int4
> while the conpfeqop is int4 = int2.
> * parent_ec check isn't really the right thing, since EC-derived clauses
> might not have that set.  I think it may be adequate given that you only
> deal with simple Vars, but at least a comment about that would be good.
> * Come to think of it, you could probably dodge the commutator operator
> problem altogether for clauses with nonnull parent_ec, because they must
> contain a relevant equality operator.  (Although if it's redesigned as I
> suggest above, the code path for a clause with parent_ec set would look
> totally different from this anyway.)
> * Maintaining the fkmatches bitmapset is useless expense, just use a
> counter of matched keys.  Or for that matter, why not just fail
> immediately if i'th key is not found?
> find_best_foreign_key_quals():
> * Test on enable_fkey_estimates should be one call level up to dodge the
> useless doubly-nested loop in clauselist_join_selectivity (which would
> make the "fast path" exit here pretty much useless)
> clauselist_join_selectivity():
> * "either could be zero, but not both" is a pretty unhelpful comment given
> the if-test just above it.  What *could* have used some explanation is
> what the next two dozen lines are doing, because they're as opaque as can
> be; and the XXX comment doesn't leave a warm feeling that the author
> understands it either.  I'm not prepared to opine on whether this segment
> of code is correct at all without better commentary.
> calc_joinrel_size_estimate():
> * why is clauselist_join_selectivity applied to pushed-down clauses and
> not local ones in an outer join?  If that's not an oversight, it at least
> requires an explanatory comment.  Note that this means we are not applying
> FK knowledge for "a left join b on x = y", though it seems like we could.
> compute_semi_anti_join_factors isn't using clauselist_join_selectivity
> either.  I don't know whether it should be, but if not, a comment about
> why not seems appropriate.  More generally, I wonder why this logic
> wasn't just folded into clauselist_selectivity.
> guc.c:
> undocumented GUCs are not acceptable
> paths.h:
> patch introduces an extern that's referenced noplace
> In short, I'm not left with a warm fuzzy feeling about this patch having
> been ready to commit.  The predecessor patch 015e88942 was also
> underreviewed, cf 5306df283.
>                         regards, tom lane
> --
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Robert Haas
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